

13 May 2024
Paper Lifting noncontextuality inequalities with Raman Choudhary and Adán Cabello published in Physical Review A.
arXiv:2307.04786 [quant-ph]
30 April–3 May 2024
Organising a workshop on Foundations of Quantum Computational Advantage, part of the FoQaCiA project, at Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, ON, Canada.
21 March 2024
Paper Inequalities witnessing coherence, nonlocality, and contextuality with Rafael Wagner and Ernesto F. Galvão published in Physical Review A.
arXiv:2209.02670 [quant-ph]
22 February 2024
Talk at the PPLV (Programming Principles, Logic, and Verification) Research Seminar at Department of Computer Science, UCL.
31 January 2024
Paper Combining contextuality and causality: a game semantics approach with Samson Abramsky and Amy Searle published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.
arXiv:2307.04786 [quant-ph]
24 January 2024
New preprint Lifting noncontextuality inequalities with Raman Choudhary and Adán Cabello.
arXiv:2401.12349 [quant-ph]
9 January 2024
Talk at the Algebra, Logic and Topology seminar of CMUC – Centre of Mathematics of Universidade de Coimbra.
4 January 2024
Paper Quantum circuits measuring weak values, Kirkwood–Dirac quasiprobability distributions, and state spectra published in Quantum Science and Technology.
arXiv:2302.00705 [quant-ph]
18 December 2023
Talk at ALC meeting 2023 of the Algebra, Logic and Computation group of CMAT – Centre of Mathematics of Universidade do Minho.
6–7 December 2023
Two-day 2nd INL–IT Quantum Computing Workshop organised at INL.
13 November 2023
PC member for QPL 2024 (21st International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic).
abstract submission: 26 Feb 2024, paper submission: 4 Mar 2024
Buenos Aires, 15–19 Jul 2024
19 September 2023
15 August 2023
New preprint A bundle perspective on contextuality: Empirical models and simplicial distributions on bundle scenarios with Aziz Kharoof and Cihan Okay.
arXiv:2308.06336 [math.CT]
12 July 2023
New preprint Combining contextuality and causality: a game semantics approach with Samson Abramsky and Amy Searle.
arXiv:2307.04786 [quant-ph]
17–21 July 2023
Two talks and several posters at QPL 2023 (20th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic) in Paris.
17 February 2023
Two 2-year postdoc positions at INL with Ernesto Galvão and me associated with the EU–Canada project FoQaCiA – Foundations of Quantum Computational Advantage.
Deadline for applications: 31 Mar 2023
14–15 February 2023
Two-day INL–CESGA Quantum Computing Workshop organised at INL.
10 February 2023
PC member for QPL 2023 (20th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic).
abstract submission: 12 Mar 2023, paper submission: 17 Mar 2023
Paris, 17–21 Jul 2023
8 February 2023
Paper Sheaf representation of monoidal categories with Chris Heunen published in Advances in Mathematics.
arXiv:2106.08896 [math.CT]
3 February 2023
New preprint Quantum circuits measuring weak values and Kirkwood-Dirac quasiprobability distributions, with applications with Rafael Wagner, Zohar Schwartzman-Nowik, Ismael L. Paiva, Amit Te'eni, Antonio Ruiz-Molero, Eliahu Cohen, and Ernesto F. Galvão.
arXiv:2302.00705 [quant-ph]
25–26 January 2022
Two-day INL–IT Quantum Computing Workshop organised at INL.
18 December 2022
Talk at QCQMC 2022 (5th workshop on Quantum Contextuality in Quantum Mechanics and Beyond) in Prague.
25 November 2022
Roundtable discussion for a general audience Bits e Qubits: à conversa sobre o futuro da computação with Yasser Omar and Luís Paulo Santos and moderation by Ana Noronha, organised by Ciência Viva in Lisbon.
(in Portuguese)
2–4 November 2022
Kick-off meeting of the EU–Canada project FoQaCiA – Foundations of Quantum Computational Advantage organised at INL.
21 September 2022
Talk at workshop Resources in Computation in London (UCL).
7 September 2022
New preprint Inequalities witnessing coherence, nonlocality, and contextuality with Rafael Wagner and Ernesto F. Galvão.
arXiv:2209.02670 [quant-ph]
11 July 2022
Daniel Carvalho obtained an MSc in Physics Engineering from Universidade do Minho, successfully defended his master's dissertation On conditional quantum control, supervised by José Nuno Oliveira (Dept. Informatics, U Minho) and me.
22 June 2022
Talk at TACL 2022 (Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic) in Coimbra.
4 February 2022
PC member for QPL 2022 (19th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic).
abstract submission: 18 Apr 2022, paper submission: 24 Apr 2022
Oxford, 27 Jun–1 Jul 2022
11 December 2021
PC member and track chair for WADT 2022 (26th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques), featuring a special track on Algebraic approaches to quantum computation.
abstract submission: 15 Apr 2022, post-proceedings paper submission: TBA (September 2022)
Aveiro, 28–30 Jun 2022
22 November 2021
Paper Continuous-variable nonlocality and contextuality with Tom Douce, Pierre-Emmanuel Emeriau, Elham Kashefi, and Shane Mansfield accepted for publication in Communications in Mathematical Physics.
arXiv:1905.08267 [quant-ph]
20 October 2021
Talk at the online QCQMB colloquium.
16 September 2021
Paper Compiling quantamorphisms for the IBM Q Experience with Ana Neri and José Nuno Oliveira accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.
arXiv:2010.10510 [quant-ph]
14 July 2021
Organising with Cihan Okay a parallel session on Mathematical Structures in Quantum Foundations at ENSPM 2021, the national meeting of the Portuguese Mathematical Society. Speakers: Alex Wilce, Ravi Kunjwal, John Selby, and John van de Wetering.
17 June 2021
New preprint Sheaf representation of monoidal categories with Chris Heunen.
arXiv:2106.08896 [math.CT]
4 June 2021
Contributed (unscheduled) talk at QPL 2021 (not) in Gdańsk.
27 May 2021
Seminar talk at CMAT – Centre of Mathematics, Universidade do Minho.
17 May 2021
Talk at QCQMB 2021 (4th workshop on Quantum Contextuality in Quantum Mechanics and Beyond) not in Prague.
23 April 2021
New preprint Closing Bell: Boxing black box simulations in the resource theory of contextuality with Martti Karvonen and Shane Mansfield. To appear as a chapter in a volume dedicated to Samson Abramsky of Springer's Outstanding Contributions to Logic series.
arXiv:2104.11241 [quant-ph]
14 January 2021
13 January 2021
Paper The logic of contextality with Samson Abramsky published in Proceedings of CSL 2021 (LIPIcs vol. 183).
arXiv:2011.03064 [quant-ph]
21 October 2020
Preprint The logic of contextuality with Samson Abramsky. To appear in CSL 2021.
arXiv:2011.03064 [quant-ph]
2 November 2020
PC member for QPL 2021 (18th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic).
paper submission: 12 Mar 2021
Gdańsk, 7–11 Jun 2021
21 October 2020
New preprint Compiling quantamorphisms for the IBM Q Experience with Ana Neri and José Nuno Oliveira.
arXiv:2010.10510 [quant-ph]
20 October 2020
PC member for CALCO 2021 (9th Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science).
paper submission: 3 Jun 2021
Salzburg, 31 Aug–3 Sep 2021
4 June 2020
Contributed talk at QPL 2020 (not) in Paris.
4 April 2020
Paper The logic of contextuality with Samson Abramsky accepted at CSL 2021.
3 February 2020
Moved to INL in Braga, Portugal to join the research group on Quantum Linear-Optical Computation (QLOC), led by Ernesto F. Galvão, as a Staff Researcher.