QLOC seminar

This is the webpage for the regular meetings organised by the Quantum and Linear Optical Computation (QLOC) research group at INL.

These are meant to be informal sessions aimed at researchers and students interested in quantum information and computation at INL, U Minho, and others. The format may vary from week to week and variously include introductory talks, presentations of recent or ongoing research, seminars by visitors, or discussions about rececent papers (journal club).

The current schedule is on Wednesdays from 14.00 to 15.30. The meetings are usually hybrid (in person and via Zoom).

Contact rui.soaresbarbosa(at)inl.int
Upcoming meetings

Wed 22nd January 2025 at 14.00 @ online only
Luna Lima e Silva (Universidade Federal Fluminense)
Two-particle scattering on graphs

Quantum walks have been shown to capture what is necessary for universal quantum computing; they have the advantage of being very simple models, which makes them good candidates for being studied under many different perspectives, and possessing enough complexity to have interesting quantum information properties. While it is currently unknown whether quantum computing is indeed superior than classical computing, it is an interesting question to ask whether some intermediate physical system is classically hard to simulate; the Boson Sampling model shows that non-interacting bosons are classically hard to simulate, conditioned to validity of some very reasonable, but still unproven, facts about computational complexity. We could explore similar questions in quantum walks: to which degree is interaction related with complexity?

In particular, continuous-time quantum walks (CTQWs) have the ability to process quantum information through particle scattering on graphs, a quantum analogue of the billiard-ball collision computer. Some models achieving universality use gadgets – subgraphs that simulate some quantum process – to build an architecture that simulates quantum circuits. Such gadgets include: momentum filters, which allow only a narrow range of momenta to pass through; momentum switches, which reroute particles to different paths depending on their momenta; subgraphs implementing the single-particle Hadamard and phase gates. In order to perform two-qubit gates, these gadgets are needed to make two particles interact in a contained manner.

In this work we explore the properties of CTQWs with two interacting particles. We develop a theoretical framework – based on the Lippman–Schwinger formalism in scattering theory – to study graph scattering, applying it to describe scattering processes, such as elastic/inelastic scattering and ejection of a particle bound to the graph. Some of the subgraphs studied can be used to develop new gadgets in which the presence of a particle changes the outcome, similar to a controlled operation, such as: a conditional momentum filter, which filters momentum differently in the presence of a bound particle on the graph; a kind of semiconductor, which makes a particle perfectly transmit or reflect depending on the presence of a bound particle.

Wed 29th January 2025 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL


Wed 5th February 2025 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Sara Franco (INL)
Quantum error correction: an introduction


Wed 19th February 2025 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Angelos Bampounis (INL / U Minho)


Past meetings

Thu 12th December 2024 at 15.30 @ Sever Room, INL
Diogo Gomes (INL / U Minho)
Fixed-point quantum search algorithms inspired by thermalization processes.

Grover's algorithm offers a quadratic speed-up for unstructured search tasks and it is an important subroutine in many quantum algorithms. However, a known drawback of this algorithm is that it requires precise timing to ensure a high probability of success, as the optimal stopping point depends on the number of solutions—a parameter often unknown. To address this limitation, fixed-point quantum search algorithms have been developed, allowing the system to converge to solution states independently of the number of solutions. In this project, new fixed-point quantum search algorithms are designed inspired by thermalization processes, where repeated interactions with an external environment drive the system towards equilibrium.

The proposed algorithms build on an analog version of Grover's search that interacts with external bath qubits to induce thermalization. The first algorithm employs decoherence-based interactions, while the second uses dissipative mechanisms. A detailed analysis explores the interaction strength's influence on convergence time and the number of collisions needed to achieve steady-state behavior, demonstrating their fixed-point properties. The analog decohering Grover reaches a constant success probability of ½ while the dissipative Grover reached a probability of 1.

Both algorithms are then adapted to a digital format for implementation on quantum computers. The decohering Grover algorithm is simulated using Trotterization techniques, with a comprehensive analysis of the induced errors and simulation costs in terms of oracle queries, concluding the algorithm retained the quadratic speed-up with an additional constant overhead based on error parameters and a guess for the number of solutions. For the dissipative Grover algorithm, a potential circuit model was proposed. The full cost and implementation details for the dissipative algorithm remain open for future research.

Wed 11th December 2024 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Bruno Coutinho (IT Lisboa)
Network science problems and quantum computation

Network science applies graph theory to practical problems, but increasing dataset sizes strain current computational resources. Quantum computation emerges as a promising approach for complex network analysis. Our recent work demonstrated a quadratic speedup over classical methods in predicting missing links in protein-protein interaction networks. In this talk, I will introduce network science fundamentals, present our recent quantum computational approaches to network problems, and discuss promising directions for future work.

Mon 9th December 2024 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Som Kanjilal (INL)
Necessary and sufficient state condition for violation of a Bell inequality with multiple measurement settings

High-dimensional quantum entanglement and the advancements in their experimental realization provide a playground for fundamental research and eventually lead to quantum technological developments. The Horodecki criterion determines whether a state violates the Clauser–Horne–Shimony–Holt (CHSH) inequality for a two-qubit entangled state, solely from the state parameters. However, it remains a challenging task to formulate similar necessary and sufficient criteria for a high-dimensional entangled state for the violation of a suitable Bell inequality. Here we develop a Horodecki-like criterion based on the state parameters of arbitrary two-qudit states to violate a two-outcome Bell inequality involving 2n-1 and n measurement settings for Alice and Bob, respectively. This inequality reduces to CHSH and Gisin's elegant Bell inequality for n=2 and n=3 respectively. While the proposed criterion is sufficient to violate the Bell inequality, it becomes necessary as well for the following cases:

  • m copies of Bell-diagonal states for arbitrary n,
  • nondecomposable states whose correlation matrix is diagonalized by local unitaries,
  • for any arbitrary two-qubit state when n=3, where the maximal value of the Bell functional is achieved with Bob's measurements being pairwise anticommuting.
For any states, we derive the constraints on Alice's measurements in achieving the maximum quantum violation for this inequality.

Wed 4th December 2024 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Eduardo Araújo (INL / U Minho)
Advantages and limitations of spatial search by continuous-time quantum walk

Quantum computing bridges Computer Science, Information Theory, and Quantum Mechanics, leveraging principles like superposition, entanglement, and interference to develop algorithms with advantages over classical ones. Continuous-time quantum walks are a promising tool for creating such algorithms; as a universal model of quantum computation capable of exponential speedups, they are particularly effective in spatial search problems, where the goal is to locate a specific node in a graph. This presentation focuses on the application of continuous-time quantum walks to spatial search by investigating instances of quantum advantage in graphs modified by percolation and identifying key limitations related to selecting the optimal hopping rate for the walker.

Additionally, we show general expressions that predict the algorithm's performance under significant hopping rate deviations from its best value, extending on previous work, but also examine dynamic graphs within a dynamic percolation model, which still remains largely unexplored. Specifically, the regime where the graph changes rapidly is analyzed for general graphs and in more depth for the hypercube. Numerical simulations further compare the regimes of the time-scale of the dynamics where the performance of the algorithm seems to be severely affected, making some steps towards a more complete understanding of quantum spatial search in dynamic graphs.

Wed 27th November 2024 at 14.00 @ Conference Room, INL
Akshat Kumar IT Lisboa
Discrete quantization methods for inverse problems

A class of inverse problems pervading the applied sciences is to recover the dependencies among governing parameters for natural processes, from measurements. Manifold learning is based on the well-supported hypothesis that high-dimensional data from natural processes is concentrated near a low-dimensional submanifold given by the dominant parameters. Thus, an important task in data analysis and optimization is to recover the geometry of the data manifold from finite data. On the dynamics side, Hamiltonian systems are characterized by conservation laws that impose symmetries in the governing variables. In applications of forecasting dynamics, the task is to learn the (non-linear) classical system from samples of trajectories of initial conditions. We present new perspectives and methods for learning geometry and dynamics from finite samples, through the lens of microlocal/semiclassical analysis.

The quantum-classical correspondence principle dictates that at high energies, or small wavelengths, quantum dynamics will resemble classical dynamics, for certain time scales. The methods of microlocal/semiclassical analysis give frameworks for quantization of classical observables, Hamiltonians and their dynamics into pseudodifferential operators and their quantum dynamics, with rather precise, quantitative information about this correspondence. By considering discretizations of these techniques, we present new methods for learning the geometry of data manifolds – we are able to recover the geodesic flow, with convergence rates, for the first time – and non-linear classical dynamics, from finite samples, through discrete quantum evolutions (matrix dynamics). The techniques yield rigorous convergence rates in the number of data samples and lead us to new algorithms with complexity rates and speed-ups – in both, the classical and quantum computational models.

(Based on arXiv:2112.10748 [quant-ph] and arXiv:2212.00682 [quant-ph].)

Wed 13th November 2024 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Angelos Bampounis (INL / U Minho)
Matchgate hierarchy: deterministic gate teleportation for matchgate circuits

A fruitful approach to understand the power of quantum computers is to explore restricted classes of computations which can be efficiently simulated by classical devices but regain full universal quantum computing power by the addition of extra resources. Two notable classes of computations, which are known not to be universal, are circuits built out of Clifford gates, and circuits built out of a special set of unitary two-qubit gates restricted to act on nearest-neighbour qubits, called matchgates. In order to achieve quantum universality, the gate sets of both models can be supplemented with special input states, known as ΄magic΄ states. In the Clifford setting, non-stabilizer states suffice to promote Clifford gates to quantum universality. For matchgate circuits, it has been shown that any pure fermionic state that is not Gaussian can be used as a ΄matchgate- magic΄ state.

The promotion of restricted class of circuits through quantum gate teleportation was put forward by Shor, and in more generality, by Gottesman and Chuang. The latter, in the same work, also introduced the Clifford hierarchy: an increasing family of sets of unitary gates that can be implemented deterministically using gate teleportation on stabiliser circuits. In this talk, I will present an analogous gate teleportation scheme for matchgate circuit computation, and a corresponding gate hierarchy, which we dub the matchgate hierarchy. I will briefly explain how the protocol deterministically implements any n-qubit gate in the hierarchy using adaptive matchgate circuits with magic states. In addition, I will present a neat characterization of gates in the matchgate hierarchy for two qubits, and for an arbitrary number of qubits I will propose a characterisation of the matchgate hierarchy by leveraging the fermionic Stone–von Neumann theorem.

Based on joint work with Rui Soares Barbosa and Nadish de Silva, available as arXiv:2410.01887 [quant-ph].

Wed 18th September 2024 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Mário Silva (Université de Lorraine / LORIA)
Programming languages for quantum polynomial time

In this talk, Mário Silva will present his PhD work, which focuses on developing static-analysis techniques for quantum programming languages that ensure polynomial-time termination and correct handling of qubit variables (e.g. no cloning, no deletion). We will also see that finding efficient (i.e. polysized) circuit implementations of quantum polytime programs is not trivial, due to problems such as "branch sequentialization", and we will explore techniques that ensure correct asymptotic size bounds for a language that is sound and complete for quantum polynomial time. If time allows, we will look at the same ideas in the context of quantum polylogarithmic time.

Fri 12th July 2024 at 14.00 @ Douro Room, INL
Laurens Walleghem (University of York)
An introduction to the black hole information puzzle

In this informal seminar I will gently introduce the black hole information puzzle and some recent proposals towards a solution. The black hole information puzzle is a very interesting and rich area where, among others, quantum information, high-energy physics, gravity and condensed matter meet. First, after a short review of the basics of Einstein's gravity and Penrose diagrams, I introduce the black hole information puzzle. Using semi-classical Einstein gravity, Hawking proved that black holes radiate. This Hawking radiation drags away energy from the black hole so that the black hole evaporates, and semiclassical calculations argue that Hawking radiation is thermal and, aside from mass, electric charge and angular momentum, contains no information about the initial state or interior of the black hole. After the black hole has fully evaporated, only the thermal radiation remains. So where did the information about the initial state go? Is there a breakdown of unitarity or can we resolve this puzzle? If time allows I will touch upon some recent ideas for this puzzle in literature, including replica wormholes and analogue gravity. Comments, discussions and thoughts are very welcome in this informal session.

Tue 9th July 2024 at 15.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Giovanni Scala (Università di Bari)
Advanced methods and construction techniques for entanglement witnesses: a mini-tutorial

Determining whether a given quantum state is entangled or separable is a fundamental question in quantum information theory, and computationally, it is an NP-hard problem. In this mini-tutorial, we will discuss how to construct entanglement witnesses, which are essential mathematical tools for addressing this challenge. We will explore the latest advancements, separability criteria, and open questions, with a particular focus on the unresolved case of two qutrits and the complexities of multipartite systems. This session aims to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of the current state of the art and practical methodologies in this critical area of quantum research.

Below a list of contributions and a review on the topic:
[1] G Scala, A Bera, G Sarbicki, D Chruściński, Optimality of generalized Choi maps in M3, arXiv:2312.02814 [quant-ph]
[2] PJ Cavalcanti, G Scala, A Mandarino, C Lupo, Information theoretical perspective on the method of entanglement witnesses, arXiv:2308.07744 [quant-ph]
[3] A Bera, G Scala, G Sarbicki, D Chruściński, Generalizing Choi map in M3 beyond circulant scenario, arXiv:2212.03807 [quant-ph]
[4] G Sarbicki, G Scala, D Chruściński, Detection power of separability criteria based on a correlation tensor: a case study, arXiv:2012.04359 [quant-ph]
[5] G Sarbicki, G Scala, D Chruściński, Enhanced realignment criterion vs. linear entanglement witnesses, arXiv:2002.00646 [quant-ph]
[6] G Sarbicki, G Scala, D Chruściński, A family of multipartite separability criteria based on correlation tensor, arXiv:2001.08258 [quant-ph]
[7] D Chruściński, G Sarbicki, Entanglement witnesses: construction, analysis and classification, arXiv:1402.2413 [quant-ph]

Wed 26th June 2024 at 14.00 @ online only
Mark Ryder (University of Galway)
ZX-Calculus and quantum error correction

In this seminar, we will explore ZX-Calculus, a graph-theoretic formalism based on category theory, and its powerful applications in quantum error correction. We begin by introducing the fundamental rewrite rules of ZX-Calculus, which provide a robust framework for simplifying and manipulating quantum circuits. With this framework established, we will then explore the core principles of quantum error correction through the lens of the ZX-Calculus. With this understanding of how ZX-Calculus is used to design, analyse, and optimize error-correcting codes, we will delve into the distinctive advantages of ZX-Calculus in visualizing and streamlining complex quantum error correction protocols, demonstrating its utility through specific examples and practical applications.

M. Nielsen, I. Chuang, "Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, 10th Anniversary Edition", Cambridge University Press (2010).
J. van de Wetering, "ZX-calculus for the working quantum computer scientist", arXiv:2012.13966 [quant-ph].

Thu 20th June 2024 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Rafael Wagner (INL / U Minho)
Kirkwood–Dirac representations beyond quantum states (and their relation to noncontextuality)

Kirkwood–Dirac representations of quantum states are increasingly finding use in many areas within quantum theory. Usually, representations of this sort are only applied to provide a representation of quantum states (as complex functions over some set). We show how standard Kirkwoo–Dirac representations can be extended to a fully compositional representation of all of quantum theory (including channels, measurements and so on), and prove that this extension satisfies the essential features of functoriality (namely, that the representation commutes with composition of channels), linearity, and quasistochasticity. Interestingly, the representation of a POVM element is uniquely picked out to be the collection of weak values for it relative to the bases defining the representation. We then prove that if one can find any Kirkwood–Dirac representation that is everywhere real and nonnegative for a given experimental scenario or fragment of quantum theory, then the scenario or fragment is consistent with the principle of generalized noncontextuality, a key notion of classicality in quantum foundations. We also show that the converse does not hold: even if one verifies that all Kirkwood–Dirac representations (as defined herein) of an experiment require negativity or imaginarity, one cannot generally conclude that the experiment witnesses contextuality.

Wed 5th June 2024 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Raman Choudhary (INL / U Minho)
Exclusivity principle and Ramsey theory (in n-cycle KS noncontextuality scenarios)

Among many, one of the fundamental quests in foundations of physics is to find principles that single out quantum theory from the plethora of no-disturbance theories. To this end, many principles like information causality (IC), macroscopic locality (ML), no advantage for non-local computation, Exclusivity principle (E-principle), etc. have been proposed. For a principle (aiming to single out quantum theory) to be valid, it must differentiate between quantum vs. non-quantum correlations. The simplest non-quantum correlations for any given scenario are the non-classical vertices of the no-disturbance polytope. Among the already explored Bell scenarios only the exclusivity principle detects all such vertices as non-quantum suggesting that other principles need definitional revisions if they were to remain valid.

In this talk, I will first explain how people study this detection of non-quantumness in the case of E-principle, using something called the activation effect. Activation effects involve application of E-principle to a joint scenario consisting of statistically independent copies of a single scenario. Then I will explain our contribution where we show how one can look at activation effects through the lens of Ramsey theory (an infamous problem in Combinatorics) and explain when and which n-cycle Kochen-Specker (KS) scenarios can (or cannot) witness these effects. Overall, the goal of the talk will be to highlight this newfound bridge between activation effects of E-principle and Ramsey theory.

Wed 22nd May 2024 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Laurens Walleghem (University of York)
Local Friendliness, contextuality and the measurement problem

This will be a shorter talk, comments very welcome. The measurement problem in quantum mechanics has been torturing scientists' minds since its early days. What is a measurement? What is a measurement collapse, does it occur and if so, why or how? Thought experiments such as Schrödinger's cat and Wigner's friend, where a friend performing a measurement is modelled unitarily, exemplify this tension.

In the last 8 years, there has been a renewed interest in this question, because of so-called extended Wigner's friend paradoxes, suggesting even that standard quantum mechanics postulates should be refined. Among one of the most celebrated results are the Frauchiger–Renner paradox and the Local Friendliness no-go theorem. These works combine Wigner's friend with nonlocality to obtain no-go results for seemingly innocent assumptions. We focus on the Local Friendliness no-go theorem in this talk, and show how the same no-go results can be obtained by using contextuality instead of nonlocality. We exemplify this claim using the 5-cycle and Peres–Mermin magic square.

Based on joint work with Rui Soares Barbosa, Rafael Wagner, David Schmid, Yìlè Yīng, Stefan Weigert and Matthew Pusey.

Wed 15th May 2024 at 14.00 @ online only
Rafael Wagner (INL / U Minho)
Which physical theories have two state overlaps?

The possibility of estimating two state overlaps from accessible statistics is an extremely useful aspect of quantum theory, that has implications for learning quantum systems and quantum properties efficiently, for quantum computation, quantum optics and quantum metrology. It is the working tool for stating some of the most important results in quantum foundations such as the Pusey–Barret–Rudolph theorem. But two-state overlaps are a theory dependent notion. In this talk, I will talk about a proposed theory-independent definition of two-state overlaps, give exemples of which theories have and which have no maps satisfying this definition, and discuss some applications of such theory-independent description.

Wed 8th May 2024 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Carlos Fernandes (INL / U Minho)
Unitary-invariant witnesses of quantum imaginarity

Quantum theory is traditionally formulated using complex numbers. This imaginarity of quantum theory has been quantified as a resource with applications in discrimination tasks, pseudorandomness generation, and quantum metrology. Here we propose witnesses for imaginarity that are basis-independent, relying on measurements of unitary-invariant properties of sets of states. For 3 pure states, we completely characterize the invariant values attainable by quantum theory, and give a partial characterization for 4 pure states. We show that simple pairwise overlap measurements suffice to witness imaginarity of sets of 4 states, but not for sets of 3. Our witnesses are experimentally friendly, opening up a new path for measuring and using imaginarity as a resource.

This talk is based on arXiv:2403.15066 [quant-ph].

Mon 6th May 2024 at 15.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Arthur Braida (Université d'Orléans / Eviden)
Tight Lieb–Robinson bound for approximation ratio in quantum annealing

Quantum annealing (QA) holds promise for optimization problems in quantum computing, especially for combinatorial optimization. This analog framework attracts attention for its potential to address complex problems. Its gate-based homologous, QAOA with proven performance, has attracted a lot of attention to the NISQ era. Several numerical benchmarks try to compare these two metaheuristics, however, classical computational power highly limits the performance insights. In this work, we introduce a parametrized version of QA enabling a precise 1-local analysis of the algorithm. We develop a tight Lieb–Robinson bound for regular graphs, achieving the best-known numerical value to analyze QA locally. Studying MaxCut over cubic graph as a benchmark optimization problem, we show that a linear-schedule QA with a 1-local analysis achieves an approximation ratio over 0.7020, outperforming any known 1-local algorithms.

Talk based on: A. Braida, S. Martiel, I. Todinca. Tight Lieb–Robinson Bound for approximation ratio in quantum annealing. npj Quantum Inf 10, 40 (2024). Also available at arXiv:2311.12732 [quant-ph].

Wed 3rd April 2024 at 14.00 @ Conference Room, INL
Ana Filipa Carvalho (Quandela)
Solving graph problems with single-photons and linear optics

An important challenge for current and near-term quantum devices is finding useful tasks that can be preformed on them. In this presentation, it will be shown how to efficiently encode a bounded n × n matrix A into a linear optical circuit with 2n modes. Then we will apply this encoding to the case where A is a matrix containing information about a graph G. A range of graph problems including finding the number of perfect matchings of bipartite graphs, computing permanental polynomials, determining whether two graphs are isomorphic, and the k-densest subgraph problem will be discussed by using previous technique on a photonic quantum processor consisting of single-photon sources, a linear optical circuit encoding A, and single-photon detectors.

Talk based on arXiv:2301.09594 [quant-ph].

Wed 27th March 2024 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Rafael Wagner (INL / U Minho)
Convexity of noncontextual wirings and how they order the set of correlations

In this talk I will discuss abstract resource theories, and then specify for the case of the resource theory of Kochen–Specker contextuality under noncontextual wiring operations. For that theory, the so-called noncontextual wirings are taken to be the free operations, and they act on the objects of the theory, that are taken to be non-disturbing behaviors in measurement (also known as compatibility) scenarios. Besides the introduction of such non-trivial and technical concepts, I will also discuss the such wirings when we have that the compatibility scenarios are mathematically isomorphic to Bell scenarios, show that in such cases they do not reduce to local operations with shared randomness, but they do include these operations as a particular case. I then discuss about the convexity of such wirings and conclude with a few remarks on the conversion rules between objects.

Wed 21st February 2024 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Ana Neri (U Minho / INESC TEC / INL / CIDMA)
Quantum error correction for quantum programs

This seminar on Quantum Error Correction has two parts. First is the Introduction of QEC. This part contains the basics, such as the famous Shor code, stabilizers, surface codes, and how fault-tolerant computers apply QEC techniques to quantum computation (examples from IBM Q). The second part includes hands-on experiments with quantum error correction schemes and a discussion about recent advances in this field.

Fri 16th February 2024 at 15.00 @ Conference Room, INL
Luís Caires (IST, U Lisboa)
Things from processes: An observational model of quantum mechanics

In computer science, several theories of interactive information processes have been proposed, namely process algebras and process calculi. These models introduce notions of events or primitive (inter)actions, of processes, and of process (or behavioural) equivalence.

In this talk, we argue that general mathematical theories for discrete dynamical systems may effectively describe both physical processes and information processes (in the spirit of Wheeler's “It from Bit”). Building on these ideas, we discuss a process algebraic model adequate to express physical quantum processes and to compositionally explain the behaviour of composite quantum systems in terms of more or less standard concurrency theoretic concepts.

As a natural consequence, our model evades the system-observer dichotomy of Copenhagen and adopts instead a fully open and compositional view of process interaction. Moreover, we obtain a locally confluent evolution semantics that arguably relates to the Everett interpretation.

Wed 14th February 2024 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Léo Pioge (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Enhanced bunching of nearly indistinguishable bosons

The indistinguishability of bosons is at the origin of remarkable quantum interference phenomena, such as the Hong–Ou–Mandel (HOM) effect. In this effect, destructive interference leads to the bunching of the two photons in the same output mode of a 50:50 beam splitter. The bunching becomes less pronounced as soon as the photons become partially distinguishable. In multiphoton interference processes, the commonly assumed direct link between boson bunching and particle indistinguishability has recently been challenged in [Nat. Photonics 17, 702 (2023)]. It appeared that bunching effects may surprisingly be enhanced in some interferometers by preparing specific states of partially distinguishable photons. Interestingly, all the states giving rise to such an anomalous bunching were found to be “far from” the state of perfectly indistinguishable particles, raising the question of whether this intriguing phenomenon might even exist with nearly indistinguishable particles. In this talk, we will answer positively this physically motivated question by relating it to a mathematical conjecture on matrix permanents. Using a recently found counterexample to this conjecture, we will present an optical set-up involving 8 photons in 10 modes for which the probability that all photons bunch into two output modes can be enhanced by applying a suitable perturbation to the polarization states starting from photons with the same polarization.

Reference: arXiv:2308.12226 [quant-ph]

Wed 7th February 2024 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Towards a new ontological framework for quantum theory

No-go theorems (Bell, Kochen–Specker, …) formally show the departure of quantum theory from the classical worldview. These are formulated in the framework of ontological models and, if one accepts such framework, entail that quantum theory involves problematic (“fine-tuned”) properties. I will argue that the lesson to take from the no-go theorems is to abandon the framework of ontological models as the way to model reality. I will analyze what I believe to be the unnatural assumptions of such framework and I will propose a way to change it. The basic principle of the new notion of reality I propose is that for something to exist is for something to be recorded. I will motivate the principle and explore its consequences. In order to implement such proposal into a precise theory-independent mathematical framework I will make use of point-free topological spaces (locales). I will discuss why this new proposal should be promising for understanding quantum theory and I will present several open questions.

Wed 31st January 2024 at 14.00 @ online only
Massy Khoshbin (UC Santa Barbara)
Alternative robust ways of witnessing nonclassicality in the simplest scenario
Fri 24th January 2024 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Antonio Ruiz-Molero (INL / U Minho)
Estimation of bath’s parameters in open quantum systems using Bayesian learning. Application to quantum dots.

In open quantum dynamics, the structure of the environment determines the way a system loses its coherence. In this seminar, we demonstrate the application of a Bayesian learning protocol to infer properties of the environment by utilizing experimental data. Specifically, we estimate a set of scalar parameters of the spectral density of the bath that interacts with a quantum dot via exciton-phonon interaction in the weak coupling regime, using simulated data. We will compare offline and online protocols and their performance.

For those without a strong background in the topic, we will review concepts on the theory of open quantum systems, quantum metrology, quantum process tomography, and parameter estimation.

Mon 15th January 2024 at 11.00 @ Conference Room, INL
Catarina Bastos (Deimos Engenharia)
Quantum communications in Portugal

In this seminar I'll present two European projects, DISCRETION and PTQCI, that are on the basis of the implementation of quantum communications infrastructures in Portugal. I'll explain why Portugal has been a success case, joining all the relevant stakeholders for this development. I'll present the relevant role of the National Security Office and the Portuguese Defence in this implementation and some details on the networks that we are developing. And finally, prospect some future connections with Europe.

Wed 10th January 2024 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Quantum search and optimization by quantum walk

Quantum walks, the quantum analogue of classical random walks, became an important framework for the development of quantum algorithms. In this talk, I will discuss how quantum walks based on Hamiltonian evolution, the so called continuous-time quantum walks, can be used to solve search problems on graphs as well as optimization problems. I will also mention connections between this approach and adiabatic quantum computing. Finally, I will discuss some preliminary analytical and numerical evidence that near-term quantum walk optimization algorithms may outperform QAOA.

Wed 13th December 2023 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Indistinguishability witnesses: a case for expected variance

Quantum linear optics has played a pivotal role in the development of quantum technologies in the last few years, with many applications from quantum communication to quantum computing models, such as boson sampling, heavily relying on quantum resources such as entanglement and interference.

Photonic indistinguishability has been shown to be one of most important conditions to the appearance of such quantum resources, and hence, it becomes of interest the development of tools able to certify its existence in quantum optical processes, i.e. the so-called indistinguishability witnesses. In this seminar we discuss some background and existent work related to this topic, and a new approach to this problem under development in ongoing work.

Thu 23th November 2023 at 14.00 @ Xévora Room, INL
Journal club discussion on three-path interference

Lorenzo will lead from the whiteboard an informal journal club discussion on three-path interference, based on the following article:

B-G Englert, D Kaszlikowski, L C Kwek, W H Chee, Wave-particle duality in multi-path interferometers: general concepts and three-path interferometers, International Journal of Quantum Information 6 (2008): 129–157.

Link to pdf here

Wed 8th November 2023 at 14.00 @ online only
Daniel J. Brod (Universidade Federal Fluminense)
Quantifying quantum causal influences

A quantifier of the causal influence between two random variables A and B is the Average Causal Effect (ACE). The ACE is defined in terms of interventions, a technique for disentangling cause-and-effect and common-cause types of correlations between A and B. In this talk, I will discuss a recently proposed measure of quantum causal influence which we called the Quantum Average Causal Effect (ACE_Q), and which measures the extent to which a density matrix held by B depends on either classical or quantum variables held by A. I then discuss some applications of this definition. First, I will show how we can measure the causal influence transmitted by a two-qubit gate. Besides having several desirable properties compared to previous definitions in the literature, our definition can also be interpreted as a novel local invariant of two-qubit gates. I will then discuss how it is related to other known local invariants (such as the entangling power).

Second, I will show how we can measure the causal influence transmitted in protocols such as remote state preparation (a building block of measurement-based quantum computation) and teleportation, and prove how any pure entangled state offers an advantage relative to any separable state in these tasks.

Thu 19th October 2023 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Ernesto F. Galvão (INL / UFF)
A tutorial on Bargmann invariants

I will review how we can characterize the unitary-invariant properties of a set of quantum states using only quantities of the form Tr(ρA ρB ··· ρN), known as Bargmann invariants. I will review what we know about Bargmann invariants, and some of the work the group has been doing on this topic: how to measure them, how they be used to witness contextuality, coherence and other forms of nonclassility. We'll see they show up in different settings: geometric phases, out-of-time-ordered correlators, weak values, and Kirkwood–Dirac quasi-probability distributions. I will try to reserve some time to give an overview of some of the on-going work, and open problems.

[1] M. Oszmaniec, D. J. Brod, E. F. Galvão. Measuring relational information between quantum states, and applications. arXiv:2109.10006 [quant-ph].
[2] R. Wagner, R. S. Barbosa, E. F. Galvão. Inequalities witnessing coherence, nonlocality, and contextuality. arXiv:2209.02670 [quant-ph].
[3] R. Wagner, Z. Schwartzman-Nowik, I. L. Paiva, A. Te'eni, A. Ruiz-Molero, R. S. Barbosa, E. Cohen, E. F. Galvão. Quantum circuits measuring weak values and Kirkwood–Dirac quasiprobability distributions, with applications. arXiv:2302.00705 [quant-ph].
[4] R. Wagner, E. F. Galvão. Simple proof that anomalous weak values require coherence. Phys. Rev. A 108, L040202 (2023).
[5] E. F. Galvão, D. J. Brod. Quantum and classical bounds for two-state overlaps. Phys. Rev. A 101, 062110 (2020).

Wed 18th October 2023 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Connecting XOR and XOR* games

In this presentation I will focus on two classes of games: XOR nonlocal games and XOR* sequential games with monopartite resources. XOR games have been widely studied in the literature of nonlocal games, and we introduce XOR* games as their natural counterpart within the class of games where a resource system is subjected to a sequence of controlled operations and a final measurement. Examples of XOR* games are 2→1 quantum random access codes (QRAC) and the CHSH* game introduced by Henaut et al. in [PRA 98,060302(2018)]. We prove that under certain assumptions these two classes of games can be related via an explicit theorem that connects their optimal strategies, and so their classical (Bell) and quantum (Tsirelson) bounds. I will discuss the possible resources that power the quantum computational advantages in XOR* games and present ongoing research stemming from this work.

The presentation is mostly based on arXiv:2210.00397 [quant-ph].

Wed 11th October 2023 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Som Kanjilal (INL)
Unbounded sharing of nonlocality using projective measurement

It is a common perception that a sharp projective measurement in one side of the Bell experiment destroys the entangled state and hence sequential sharing of nonlocality cannot be demonstrated. In contrast, we introduce a local randomness assisted projective measurement protocol enabling the sharing of nonlocality by arbitrary number sequential observers, which solves an open problem raised in Phys Rev Lett, 129, 230402 (2022).

This is joint work with Souradeep Sasmal and Alok Kumar Pan.

Wed 20th September 2023 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Marco Robbio (Université libre de Bruxelles)
The central limit theorem in quantum optics with partially distinguishable photons

Various quantum analogues of the central limit theorem, which is the corner stone of probability theory, are known in literature. In the field of quantum optics, the Hudson-Cushen theorem is the most relevant, proving that the quantum convolution of i.i.d. states converges to a Gaussian state. The theorem predicts, for example, that thermalization occurs in a single-mode subsystem after a large linear interferometer experiment where identical photon states interfere in an unbiased way. This result is challenged by the behaviour of fully distinguishable photons which, at first glance, seems to contradict the statement of the theorem and its implication for quantum optics. In this work we use the phase space formalism to generalize the Hudson-Cushen theorem for partially distinguishable photons, allowing us to describe in a unified way the behaviour of ideal bosons and classical particles as two extreme cases of a more general framework. In particular, we demonstrate that properties of the equilibrium single-mode particle number distribution, such as its variance or its entropy, are severely affected by photon distinguishability and can be used as quantifiers of indistinguishability in multiphoton experiments.

Tue 19th September 2023 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Michaël G. Jabbour (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Constructing local models for general measurements on bosonic Gaussian states

As shown by Bell, measurements on certain entangled states can lead to observations that are incompatible with local causal explanations. This phenomenon, known as nonlocality, enables advantages in communication and information processing at an unprecedented level of security, for instance in the context of device-independent quantum key distribution. Demonstrating that a state cannot give rise to nonlocality is far from trivial. It requires the construction of local-hidden-variable models that can reproduce the observations for any combination of measurements. While most existing work is concerned with systems of finite dimension, little is known about the class of continuous-variables systems. Most particularly, Gaussian bosonic states and transformations are ubiquitous in quantum theory and experiments. Here, we derive a simple sufficient criterion for the locality of correlations obtained from given measurements on a Gaussian quantum state. The criterion is based on the construction of a local-hidden-variable model which works by passing part of the inherent Gaussian noise of the state onto the measurements. We illustrate our result in the setting of displaced photodetection on a two-mode squeezed state. Here, our criterion exhibits the existence of a local-hidden-variable model for a range of parameters where the state is still entangled. We expect the present work to be useful in the context of device-independent quantum key distribution with Gaussian states.

Wed 13th September 2023 at 14.00 @ Conference Room, INL
Michael Zurel (University of British Columbia)
A hierarchy of classical simulation algorithms for quantum computation of increasing complexity

For quantum computation on odd-dimensional qudits, negativity of the Wigner function is a necessary condition for a quantum computational advantage. The Lambda polytope model [MZ et al. (2020)] has a similar structure to the Wigner function, except that it can represent universal quantum computation without any negativity. The price we pay for the absence of negativity is we no longer have efficiently computable update rules for the phase space of the model with respect to the relevant computational dynamics. By defining a partial order on the phase space points with complexity of update rules increasing with the partial order, we can define a hierarchy of classical simulation algorithms for quantum computation. The complexity of the simulation, as well as the number of computations that can be simulated, increase with the hierarchy, with efficient simulation of a small subset of quantum computations at the bottom, and inefficient simulation of universal quantum computation at the top. This hierarchy is closely related to mappings between spin models and fermion models like the Jordan–Wigner transformation.

Wed 6th September 2023 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Nicolas Cerf (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Two-boson quantum interference in time

The celebrated Hong–Ou–Mandel effect is the paradigm of two-particle quantum interference. It has its roots in the symmetry of identical quantum particles, as dictated by the Pauli principle. Two identical bosons impinging on a beam splitter (of transmittance 1/2) cannot be detected in coincidence at both output ports, as confirmed in numerous experiments with light or even matter. Here, we establish that partial time reversal transforms the beam splitter linear coupling into amplification. We infer from this duality the existence of an unsuspected two-boson interferometric effect in a quantum amplifier (of gain 2) and identify the underlying mechanism as time-like indistinguishability. This fundamental mechanism is generic to any bosonic Bogoliubov transformation, so we anticipate wide implications in quantum physics.

Reference: Cerf, Nicolas J., and Michael G. Jabbour. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117.52 (2020): 33107–33116.

Wed 12th July 2023 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Filipa Peres (INL / U Porto)
The Pauli-based model of quantum computation beyond qubits

Pauli-based computation (PBC) is a universal model for quantum computation with qubits where the input state is a tensor product of magic states and the computation is driven by a sequence of adaptively chosen and compatible multi-qubit Pauli measurements. In this seminar, I will discuss generalizing PBC for odd-prime dimensional systems; I demonstrate the universality of the model in that setting, discuss how to carry out the sequence of Pauli measurements, and compare the cost of hybrid computation for qudits of different dimension, p.

Tue 27th June 2023 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Raman Choudhary (INL / U Minho)
General method for lifting noncontextuality inequalities

Contextuality is a fundamental property of quantum mechanics and a crucial resource for quantum computational advantage and reduction of communication complexity. However, all existing tight noncontextuality (NC) inequalities are either Bell inequalities or refer to cyclic or state-independent Kochen-Specker (KS) contextuality scenarios.

Here, we introduce a general method for lifting noncontextuality (NC) inequalities and characterizing non-trivial facets of noncontextual polytopes. We show that, given an arbitrary contextuality scenario, the addition of a new measurement or a new outcome preserves the facet-inducing nature of the NC inequality. This extends the results of Pironio [J. Math. Phys. 062112 (2005)] to arbitrary contextuality scenarios and unifies NC inequalities and Bell inequalities. We also show that our method provides tight noncontextuality inequalities in all scenarios with nonclassical correlations.

Wed 7th Jun 2023 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Laurens Walleghem (University of York)
Contextuality and Wigner's friends

The Frauchiger–Renner (FR) paradox has been proposed to argue for the inconsistency of the use of quantum theory to describe itself. In this scenario agents model each other quantumly and reason about each other's knowledge in such a way that a contradiction arises. We observe that logical contextuality (à la Hardy) is the key ingredient underlying the FR paradox. This observation allows us to produce similar paradoxes, based on different underlying contextuality. We provide a stronger, FR-like paradox based on strong contextuality of the GHZ–Mermin scenario. This GHZ–FR paradox, with assumptions weaker than the original FR paradox, gives us more insight what the paradox implies for quantum foundations. Finally, we provide a paradox in a scenario that is a hybrid between FR and traditional Bell non-locality. This paradox involves a single unrecorded observation, leading to a no-go theorem that directly relates to the measurement problem.

This is joint work with Rui Soares Barbosa, Matthew Pusey, Stefan Weigert and Eric Cavalcanti.

Wed 10th May 2023 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Rafael Wagner (INL / U Minho)
Set coherence for qudits only

I will argue that coherence captured by relational information allows for the discovery of novel 'kinds' of coherence. In particular, I will show that recently introduced two-state overlap inequalities that serve as coherence witnesses can also be used to witness Hilbert space dimension. This in turn leads to interpreting the 'kind' of coherence that is witnessed by those inequalities as a very specific coherence that needs the entirety of the Hilbert space to be present. This kind of irreducible dimension witness has no precedent in coherence theory. I will also provide a small review, as well as motivations, for witnesses of Hilbert space dimension.

Wed 22nd March 2023 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Duarte Magano (IT Lisboa / IST, U Lisboa)
On the quantum simulation of complex networks

Quantum walks provide a natural framework to approach graph problems with quantum computers, exhibiting speedups over their classical counterparts for tasks such as the search for marked nodes or the prediction of missing links. Continuous-time quantum walk algorithms assume that we can simulate the dynamics of quantum systems where the Hamiltonian is given by the adjacency matrix of the graph. It is known that such can be simulated efficiently if the underlying graph is row-sparse and efficiently row-computable. While this is sufficient for many applications, it limits the applicability for this class of algorithms to study real world complex networks, which, among other properties, are characterized by the existence of a few densely connected nodes, called hubs. In other words, complex networks are typically not row-sparse, even though the average connectivity over all nodes can be very small. In this work, we extend the state-of-the-art results on quantum simulation to graphs that contain a small number of hubs, but that are otherwise sparse. Hopefully, our results may lead to new applications of quantum computing to network science.

This is based on arXiv:2212.06126 [quant-ph]

Wed 1st March 2023 at 14.00 @ Conference Room, INL
Ernesto F. Galvão (INL / UFF)
Journal club: Error mitigation

I will give a brief and very informal overview of some error mitigation techniques: zero-noise extrapolation, probabilistic error cancellation, dynamical decoupling, and some techniques for doing direct and indirect measurements of Pauli operators.

Here are some references (clickable links):
Review on error mitigation: arXiv:2210.00921 [quant-ph]
Probabilistic error cancellation: arXiv:1612.02058 [quant-ph]
Direct and indirect measurements: Phys. Rev. Research 1, 013006
Example of dynamical decoupling: Post on AWS Quantum Technologies Blog
Other examples of error mitigation with dynamical decoupling: arXiv:1807.08768 [quant-ph]

Wed 22nd February 2023 at 14.00 @ online only
José Diogo Guimarães (INL / U Minho / Universität Ulm)
Noise-assisted digital quantum simulation of open quantum systems

Current quantum computers are still in their early development stage, where noise is an unavoidable feature of these devices. While a lot of research is being put on improving them in view of reaching fault-tolerance, this may still take years, if not decades. Meanwhile, current Noisy-Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers are the type of devices we have today, and even though they are faulty, they may be able to provide useful insights into specific current open problems. In this seminar, I will describe my ongoing research in collaboration with the University of Ulm on how we can leverage the intrinsic noise on a NISQ computer to assist a particular type of quantum computation. Specifically, we propose a quantum algorithm that leverages a quantum error mitigation technique, the Probabilistic Error Cancelation, to control decoherence in a quantum circuit in order to simulate Markovian dynamics of an open quantum system. I will explain the algorithm, describe its limitations and what type of open quantum system models are best suited to be simulated with this technique in the current quantum devices.

Wed 15th February 2023 at 14.00 @ online only
Malaquias Correa Anguita (Universiteit Twente)
Quantum photo-thermodynamics on a programmable quantum photonic processor

One of the core questions of quantum physics is how to reconcile the unitary evolution of quantum states, which is information-preserving and time-reversible, with the second law of thermodynamics, which is neither. The resolution to this paradox is to recognize that global unitary evolution of a multi-partite quantum state causes the state of local subsystems to evolve towards maximum-entropy states. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate this effect in linear quantum optics by simultaneously showing the convergence of local quantum states to a generalized Gibbs ensemble constituting a maximum-entropy state under precisely controlled conditions, while using a new, efficient certification method to demonstrate that the state retains global purity. Our quantum states are manipulated by a programmable integrated photonic quantum processor, which simulates arbitrary non-interacting Hamiltonians, demonstrating the universality of this phenomenon. Our results show the potential of photonic devices for quantum simulations involving non-Gaussian states.

This is based on arXiv:2201.00049 [quant-ph]

Wed 14th December 2022 at 14.00 @ Conference Room, INL
Amy Searle (University of Oxford)
Causal contextuality

It is known that quantum contextuality is an important resource for quantum information tasks. However, although contextuality is an active research area with its feet firmly planted in both foundational and applied aspects, little work has been done to understand how contextuality applies in cases where there could be some signalling between measurements. In particular, standard frameworks allow for compatible measurements to be performed in any order, since the order in which measurements are performed has no affect on the observed outcome distributions. Of these approaches, the sheaf framework for contextuality, developed by Abramsky and Brandenburger in [1], has been useful in a number of ways, largely because it allows for tools already long established in the algebraic topology/sheaf theory community to be applied to the specific case of contextuality.

Here, generalising Gogiosos and Pinzani's framework for ‘definite causal setups’ [3], we introduce an enabling relation on the measurement set which allows for dependencies between measurements to be described. Several setups from the literature which have been shown to be non-classical – via violation of a inequality – are describable within this framework, where non-classicality instead arises as the absence of a global section of the relevant presheaf. In this talk I will introduce the framework, describe some examples, and describe how we can transport some of the tools developed for sheaf contextuality [1, 2] to this setting.

[1] S. Abramsky and A. Brandenburger. The sheaf-theoretic structure of non-locality and contextuality. New Journal of Physics, 13(11):113036 (2011).
[2] R. S. Barbosa. Contextuality in quantum mechanics and beyond, DPhil thesis, University of Oxford (2015).
[3] S. Gogioso and N. Pinzani. The sheaf-theoretic structure of definite causality. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 343:301–324 (2021).

Wed 7th December 2022 at 14.00 @ Conference Room, INL
Anita Camillini and Rafael Wagner (INL / U Minho)
Is the bomb there when nobody looks?

In 1986 Avshalom Elitzur and Lev Vaidman introduced a gedanken experiment that raised a series of foundational discussions in quantum theory; the famous Elitzur-Vaidman bomb experiment [1]. In this QLOC we will discuss their proposal and the area of quantum imaging with undetected photons [2], giving a general overview of this field of research. In particular, we shall take the opportunity to discuss our recent results that applied the event graph formalism [3] to multipath interferometry [4] as a way of probing coherence and generalized contextuality.

[1] Avshalom C. Elitzur and Lev Vaidman. Quantum mechanical interaction-free measurements. Foundations of Physics 23(7): 987–997 (1993). arXiv:hep-th/9305002.
[2] Gabriela Barreto Lemos, Victoria Borish, Garrett D. Cole, Sven Ramelow, Radek Lapkiewicz, and Anton Zeilinger. Quantum imaging with undetected photons. Nature 512(7515): 409–412 (2014). arXiv:1401.4318 [quant-ph].
[3] Rafael Wagner, Rui Soares Barbosa, and Ernesto F. Galvão. Inequalities witnessing coherence, nonlocality, and contextuality. arXiv:2209.02670 [quant-ph] (2022).
[4] Rafael Wgner, Anita Camillini, and Ernesto F. Galvão. Coherence and contextuality in a Mach–Zehnder interferometer. arXiv:2210.05624 [quant-ph] (2022).

Wed 23rd November 2022 at 14.00 @ Conference Room, INL
Nadish de Silva (Simon Fraser University)
Efficient quantum gate teleportation in higher dimensions

The Clifford hierarchy is a nested sequence of sets of quantum gates critical to achieving fault-tolerant quantum computation. Diagonal gates of the Clifford hierarchy and 'nearly diagonal' semi-Clifford gates are particularly important: they admit efficient gate teleportation protocols that implement these gates with fewer ancillary quantum resources such as magic states. Despite the practical importance of these sets of gates, many questions about their structure remain open; this is especially true in the higher-dimensional qudit setting. Our contribution is to leverage the discrete Stone–von Neumann theorem and the symplectic formalism of qudit stabiliser mechanics towards extending results of Zeng–Cheng–Chuang (2008) and Beigi–Shor (2010) to higher dimensions in a uniform manner. We further give a simple algorithm for recursively enumerating all gates of the Clifford hierarchy, a simple algorithm for recognising and diagonalising semi-Clifford gates, and a concise proof of the classification of the diagonal Clifford hierarchy gates due to Cui–Gottesman–Krishna (2016) for the single-qudit case. We generalise the efficient gate teleportation protocols of semi-Clifford gates to the qudit setting and prove that every third level gate of one qudit (of any prime dimension) and of two qutrits can be implemented efficiently. Numerical evidence gathered via the aforementioned algorithms support the conjecture that higher-level gates can be implemented efficiently.

Based on arXiv:2011.00127 [quant-ph], published in Proc. Royal Soc. A.

Wed 16th November 2022 at 14.00 @ Conference Room, INL
Rafael Wagner (INL / U Minho)
Journal club: Resource theory of imaginarity

We have seen in recent QLOC presentations that standard quantum physics needs complex numbers, a new result in quantum foundations that might impact future quantum technologies and that furnished the analysis of the 'imaginarity' of quantum theory as a resource. Formally, working within the quantum resource theories framework [1], Hickey and Gour developed the resource theory of imaginarity [2], a new formalism that has many similarities with the resource theory of coherence [3]. In this talk I will review what is known about the resource theory of imaginarity, and discuss the recent operational characterization provided by Wu et al [4] that argued in favour of the relevance of imaginary operations in quantum information processing.

[1] Eric Chitambar and Gilad Gour. Quantum resource theories. Reviews of Modern Physics 91(2): 025001 (2019).
[2] Alexander Hickey and Gilad Gour. Quantifying the imaginarity of quantum mechanics. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51(41): 414009 (2018).
[3] Alexander Streltsov, Gerardo Adesso, and Martin B. Plenio. Colloquium: Quantum coherence as a resource. Reviews of Modern Physics 89(4): 041003 (2017).
[4] Kang-Da Wu et al. "Operational resource theory of imaginarity." Physical Review Letters 126(9): 090401 (2021).

Wed 9th November 2022 at 14.00 @ Conference Room, INL
Filipa Peres (INL / U Porto)
Circuit knitting: a state-of-the-art review

Current noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices exhibit several limitations such as a small number of physical qubits. To address this limitation, circuit knitting techniques have been developed to partition large quantum circuits into smaller instances that can be run on current devices. In this journal club, I will review recent developments in these techniques. More specifically, I discuss wire cutting and gate cutting, and also the role of classical communication in the cost of gate cutting.

[1] C. Piveteau and D. Sutter, Circuit knitting with classical communication, arXiv:2205.00016 [quant-ph], April 2022.
[2] A. Lowe, M. Medvidović, A. Hayes, L.J. O'Riordan, T.R. Bromley, J.M. Arrazola, and N. Killoran, Fast quantum circuit cutting with randomized measurements, arXiv:2207.14734 [quant-ph], July 2022.

Wed 19th October 2022 at 14.00 @ online only
Miguel Murça (IST, U Lisboa)
Rediscovering a family of hybrid algorithms with quantum singular value transformations

The promise of hybrid quantum algorithms with advantage, i.e., algorithms that can leverage (limited) quantum processing power by using classical processing, is alluring. This is mainly due to the known state-of-the-art in physical implementations of quantum computers: they enjoy short coherence times, which we would like to supplement with the classical computers we've developed over the last century. However, we may also appreciate hybrid algorithms from a theoretical point-of-view: when thinking in terms of computational complexity, it should be surprising that a fixed and limited amount of coherence can still provide us with a computational advantage. (Do note that this demands a formalization of "coherence time".) Now, take, in particular, the task of Phase Estimation. It is ubiquitous, and a self-evidently important task for quantum computing researchers. It turns out that this task is amenable to hybridization; what's more, multiple authors [1,2,3] have shown that a certain computational advantage can be achieved for any coherence depth limit, with a continuous trade-off of advantage/coherence time. In our publication, Duarte Magano and I have shown that the existence of this trade-off can be very naturally derived from the framework of Quantum Singular Value Transformations, as introduced by Gilyén et al. [4] in 2018, and in the process strengthened the assertion, to show that the task of Eigenvalue Estimation has an analogous family of hybrid algorithms that respect the same trade-off.

[1] N. Wiebe and C. Granade, Efficient Bayesian phase estimation, Physical Review Letters 117, 010503 (2016).
[2] D. Wang, O. Higgott, and S. Brierley, Accelerated variational quantum eigensolver, Physical Review Letters 122, 140504 (2019).
[3] T. Giurgica-Tiron, I. Kerenidis, F. Labib, A. Prakash, and W. Zeng, Low depth algorithms for quantum amplitude estimation, Quantum 6, 745 (2022).
[4] A. Gilyén, Y. Su, G. H. Low, and N. Wiebe, Quantum singular value transformation and beyond: exponential improvements for quantum matrix arithmetics, in Proceedings of the 51st Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2019): 193–204.

Thu 13th October 2022 at 14.00 @ Conference Room, INL
Mafalda Alves (INL / U Minho)
Journal club: A measurement-based variational quantum eigensolver

The variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) was proposed as a NISQ-friendly hybrid quantum-classical algorithm framed in the circuit model. In VQE, the angles of gates in a fixed-structure trial quantum circuit are varied in order to minimize a cost function (the expectation value of a Hamiltonian representing the problem).

In [1], a measurement-based variational quantum eigensolver (MB-VQE) was proposed. This algorithm adapts the approach of VQE to the framework of measurement-based quantum computation. In this case, rather than angles of gates in a circuit, the targets of the optimization are angles of measurement bases on a fixed-structure trial graph state.

In this talk, I will introduce the algorithm and analyse the trade-offs in the direct conversion of circuit-model VQE to MB-VQE.

The implementation and analysis of the algorithm was done jointly with Filipa Peres.

[1] R.R. Ferguson, L. Dellantonio, K. Jansen, A.A. Balushi, W. Dür, W., C. A. Muschik (2021). A measurement-based variational quantum eigensolver. Physical Review Letters, 126(22), 220501.

Tue 4th October 2022 at 14.00 @ Conference Room, INL
Benoît Seron (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Multiphoton interference with partially distinguishable photons

In the first part of this talk I will present a recent result about boson bunching. In the celebrated Hong–Ou–Mandel effect, two photons sent on a balanced beam-splitter will always bunch in one of two modes. However, any source of partial distinguishability between the photons (e.g. time-delays, difference in polarization, etc) diminishes this effect, lowering the bunching probability. This fact, together with other physical and mathematical arguments, justify the general rule-of-thumb that indistinguishable photons bunch the most. In our work we disprove this alleged straightforward link between indistinguishability and bunching by exploiting a recent finding in the theory of matrix permanents. We exhibit a family of optical circuits where the bunching of photons into two modes can be significantly boosted by making them partially distinguishable via an appropriate polarization pattern. This boosting effect is already visible in a 7-photon interferometric process, making the observation of this phenomenon within reach of current photonic technology.

In the second part of the talk I will briefly present a new method to validate the correct functioning of a boson sampler, based on how photons distribute in partitions of the output modes. Efficient validation tests are crucial to justify claims of quantum computational advantage. The method we propose is versatile and encompasses previous tests for validating boson samplers based on bunching phenomena, marginal distributions and even some suppression laws. We show via theoretical arguments and numerical simulations that our method can be used in practical scenarios to distinguish ideal boson samplers from ones affected by realistic noise sources.

Finally, I will mention an open-source package created during my thesis for studying multiphoton interference, BosonSampling.jl, written in the Julia programming language (a hands-on demo session will be held later this week).

Wed 28th September 2022 at 14.00 @ online only
Felix Ahnefeld (Universität Ulm)
On the role of coherence in Shor's algorithm

Quantum computation promises significant speedups over its classical counterparts for certain problems. But which properties of quantum mechanics fuel such advantages? Quantum resource theories, e.g., coherence and entanglement, provide rigorous mathematical frameworks to approach this question. I will present recent results, that show that coherence serves as a quantum resource that quantitatively determines the performance of Shor's factorization algorithm (arXiv:2203.10632 [quant-ph]). Before diving headfirst into the results, I will give an accessible introduction to resource theories in general and coherence theory in particular. This includes a motivation to study resource theories in the first place and a simple setting in which an operational advantage emerges from coherence to justify why we call these frameworks “resource” theories, after all. With a brief reminder of Shor's algorithm, and armed with the necessary tools, I then present a possible approach on how to analyze Shor's algorithm (and other quantum algorithms) in terms of the employed quantum resources. We will see what this means for quantum resources in Shor's algorithm and what foundational (and even practical) insights the results give us.

Wed 7th September 2022 at 14.00 @ Vision Room, INL
Cihan Okay (Bilkent University)
Simplicial quantum contextuality

In this talk I will introduce a new framework for contextuality based on simplicial sets, combinatorial models of topological spaces that play a prominent role in modern homotopy theory. Our approach extends measurement scenarios to consist of spaces (rather than sets) of measurements and outcomes, and thereby generalizes nonsignaling distributions to simplicial distributions, which are distributions on spaces modeled by simplicial sets. Strong contextuality can be generalized suitably for simplicial distributions, allowing us to define cohomological witnesses that extend the earlier topological constructions restricted to algebraic relations among quantum observables to the level of probability distributions. We will revisit foundational results in quantum theory, such as the Gleason’s theorem, Kochen–Specker theorem and Fine's theorem for the CHSH scenario.

Based on the preprint arXiv:2204.06648 joint with Aziz Kharoof and Selman Ipek.

Wed 6th July 2022 at 14.00 @ online only
José Diogo Guimarães (INL / U Minho)
Quantum computation in the NISQ era: Towards quantum advantage in quantum simulation

Current quantum computers are hampered by noisy gates, low number of qubits and time-expensive access. Nevertheless, the race for showing the first experimental proof of quantum advantage has already started, i.e. when useful problems can be solved faster by quantum devices than by classical computers, making the following question pertinent: How can we get the most out of today's Noisy-Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers?

Aiming to answer the question posed above, in this presentation I will talk about two of my most recent works: a new efficient technique to simulate open quantum systems in quantum computers, Quantum TEDOPA (Q-TEDOPA) [1], and quantum error mitigation for quantum computation [2]. In the former, I will explain how to implement Q-TEDOPA on an IBM quantum computer and discuss the speedup obtained relatively to classical simulation of open quantum systems. In the later, I will describe some quantum error mitigation techniques and how a layered implementation of these can increase the fidelity of a quantum simulation of the Heisenberg model by 2.8x (on an IBM quantum computer).

[1] José D. Guimarães, Mikhail I. Vasilevskiy, Luís S. Barbosa. Efficient method to simulate non-perturbative dynamics of an open quantum system using a quantum computer, arXiv:2203.14653 [quant-ph].
[2] José D. Guimarães, Carlos Tavares. Towards a layered architecture for error mitigation in quantum computation, IEEE International Conference on Quantum Software 2022 (accepted, to be published soon).

Wed 15th June 2022 at 14.00 @ Conference Room, INL
Antonio Ruiz-Molero (INL / U Minho)
Journal club: Classical shadows tomography – A brief overview

Quantum state tomography aims to learn properties of quantum systems from experiments. Traditionally, prediction techniques suffer from the curse of dimensionality, i.e., the number of parameters needed to describe a system grows exponentially with the size of it; and these methods inherit this dependence in the number of copies of state as well as the computation resources they require. Tomography based on classical shadows protocol circumvents this problem. Classical shadows from N copies of the state suffice to predict arbitrary expected values of M Hermitian operators tr(Oi ρ) i = 1, …, M up to additive error ε given that N ≥ O (log(M) maxi norm_shadow(Oi)2/ε). There is no dependence on the dimension of the system. The norm_shadow depends on the specific set of unitary operations used in the protocol. In the case of global Clifford unitaries, this norm is bounded by the Hilbert–Schmidt norm of the operator, whereas in random Pauli unitaries, the scaling depends on the operator norm and the locality of it.

In this journal club we will introduce the technique and overview some of the proofs on the number of copies of the system that are needed to achieve convergence as well as the bound in the shadow norm in the case of global Clifford unitaries. Next, we will see an application of them to quantum process tomography. By exploiting the Choi–Jamiołkowski isomorphism, quantum process tomography is equivalent to quantum state tomography, where one can use Classical Shadows to retrieve information about a quantum channel.


Main paper:
• Huang, H. Y., Kueng, R., Preskill, J. (2020). Predicting many properties of a quantum system from very few measurements. Nature Physics, 16(10), 1050&ndahs;1057.
(Highly recommended, the proofs are easy to follow and include enough references to previous works)

Application to quantum process tomography:
• Levy, R., Luo, D., Clark, B. K. (2021). Classical Shadows for Quantum Process Tomography on Near-term Quantum Computers. arXiv:2110.02965.

Wed 11th May 2022 at 13.30 @ Vision Room, INL
Michał Oszmaniec (Centre for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Operational quantum average-case distances

The natural distance measures used in quantum theory, such as the trace distance or diamond norm, quantify optimal statistical distinguishability between quantum objects. However, such optimal behaviour may, in general, not be attainable by quantum processes with limited circuit depth and number of qubits (as is expected in the NISQ era). To address this we introduce operational distance measures between quantum states, measurements and channels that quantify their average-case statistical distinguishability via random quantum circuits. Specifically, we consider the average Total-Variation (TV) distance between measurement outputs of two quantum processes, in which quantum objects of interest (states, measurements, or channels) are intertwined with random quantum circuits and undergo a measurement in the computational basis. Importantly, we show that once a family of random circuits forms an approximate unitary 4-design, the average TV distance can be approximated by simple explicit functions of the objects we wish to compare. These functions define bonafide measures of average-case distance and satisfy many desired properties such as triangle inequality, subadditivity, or (restricted) data processing inequality. We argue that these quantifiers are more natural for studying the performance of NISQ devices than the conventional distances such as the trace distance or diamond norm. Contrary to those measures, our average-case distances capture the generic behaviour of experiments involving only moderate-depth quantum circuits that will be attainable in near-term devices. To back up our claims, we numerically investigate the usefulness of our distance measures on families of quantum circuits originating from random instances of variational quantum algorithms performed on moderate-size systems. We observe that the average-case distances usually capture better the actual behaviour of such quantum circuits (as compared to the measures based on optimal statistical distinguishability).

The presentation is based on two recent works: arXiv:2112.14283 and arXiv:2112.14284 written together with Filip Maciejewski and Zbigniew Puchała.

Wed 27th April 2022 at 14.00 @ Conference Room, INL
Martti Karvonen (U Ottawa)
Neither contextuality nor nonlocality admits catalysts

In this talk, I will give an overview of arXiv:2102.07637 [quant-ph], showing that the resource theory of contextuality does not admit catalysts, i.e., there are no correlations that can enable an otherwise impossible resource conversion and still be recovered afterward. As a corollary, we observe that the same holds for nonlocality. As entanglement allows for catalysts, this adds a further example to the list of “anomalies of entanglement,” showing that nonlocality and entanglement behave differently as resources. We also show that catalysis remains impossible even if, instead of classical randomness, we allow some more powerful behaviors to be used freely in the free transformations of the resource theory.

Wed 6th April 2022 at 14.00
Filipa Peres (INL / U Porto)
Journal club: A practical introduction to ZX-calculus

ZX-calculus is a diagrammatic language that can be used for depicting and reasoning about quantum computations. Contrary to the rigid structure of quantum circuits, ZX-diagrams can be manipulated in a simple, visual way to yield equivalent (and oftentimes simpler) digrams. These manipulations must follow specific re-write rules, sets of which have been found that are complete for both Clifford and universal quantum circuits. In the first part of this journal club, I will make a brief and practical introduction to ZX-calculus, presenting several re-write rules and working through simple examples [1]. In the second and third parts, I will discuss some applications of this framework, namely, circuit simplification [2, 3] and classical simulation [4, 5].

[1] J. van de Wetering, ZX-calculus for the working quantum computer scientist (2020). arXiv:2012.13966 [quant-ph].
[2] R. Duncan, A. Kissinger, S. Pedrix, and J. van de Wetering, Graph-theoretic simplification of quantum circuits with the ZX calculus, Quantum 4, 279 (2020).
[3] A. Kissinger and J. van de Wetering. Reducing the number of non-Clifford gates in quantum circuits. Physical Review A, 102, 022406 (2020).
[4] A. Kissinger and J. van de Wetering. Simulating quantum circuits with ZX-calculus reduced stabiliser decompositions (2021). arXiv:2109.01076 [quant-ph].
[5] A. Kissinger, J. van de Wetering, and R. Vilmart. Classical simulation of quantum circuits with partial and graphical stabiliser decompositions (2022). arXiv:2202.09202 [quant-ph].

Wed 23rd March 2022 at 14.00
Rafael Wagner (INL / U Minho)
A first encounter with general probabilistic theories

In this talk I want to introduce the framework of General Probabilistic Theories – GPTs for short – focusing on the very basic definitions and properties that a GPT must satisfy. We shall see the way in which the GPT formalism appears, from analysing structural constraints quantum theory must satisfy, buy asking the question: what kind of different theories may also follow from such framework? I then proceed to outline some relevant results in the literature that show the type of questions the GPT framework is well suited for pursuing.

Wed 9th March 2022 at 14.00
Robert Booth (Sorbonne Université)
Contextuality and Wigner negativity are equivalent for continuous-variable quantum measurements

Quantum computers promise considerable speed-ups with respect to their classical counterparts. However, the identification of the innately quantum features that enable these speed-ups is challenging. In the continuous-variable setting—a promising paradigm for the realisation of universal, scalable, and fault-tolerant quantum computing—contextuality and Wigner negativity have been perceived as two such distinct resources. Here we show that they are in fact equivalent for the standard models of continuous-variable quantum computing. While our results provide a unifying picture of continuous-variable resources for quantum speed-up, they also pave the way towards practical demonstrations of continuous-variable contextuality, and shed light on the significance of negative probabilities in phase-space descriptions of quantum mechanics.

Wed 2nd March 2022 at 14.00
Filipa Peres (INL / U Porto)
Journal club: On Pauli-based computation – Part II

This is a continuation of the talk on 1st July 2021.

In this journal club, I will discuss the measurement-based model of quantum computation known as Pauli-based computation (PBC) and first introduced in [1]. I will demonstrate that this model is universal and polynomial-time equivalent to the quantum circuit model. Additionally, I will show how this framework can be used to compile (universally general) Clifford+T quantum circuits [1,2] and to perform hybrid quantum-classical computation [1].

[1] S. Bravyi, G. Smith, and J. A. Smolin, Phys. Rev. X 6, 021043 (2016), arXiv:1506.01396 [quant-ph].
[2] M. Yoganathan, R. Jozsa, and S. Strelchuk, Proc. R. Soc. A 475 (2019), arXiv:1806.03200 [quant-ph].

Wed 23rd February 2022 at 14.00
Michael Oliveira (INL / U Minho)
Journal club: Simulation of quantum measurements with a gate-by-gate strategy

The study of classical simulation techniques for quantum circuits and computations, in general, has been beneficial for enlarging the verification capabilities of classical devices. Furthermore, presenting valuable insights into which parameters generate additional difficulties in the simulation task, creating the gap between quantum and classical computations. In [BGL21], the authors approach the simulation task with a more state-specific procedure taking advantage of the quantum circuit generating the state intended to be measured. The presented technique provides an advantage of a constant factor size from the general process when the computation is spread through unlimited memory and an exponential advantage over simulations with polynomially restricted memory usage. Additionally, an adaptation for the MBQC model was provided. The set of efficient simulatable quantum computations was enlarged in this work by removing some restrictions to the measurement patterns imposed in previous solutions [BR07].

[BGL21] Sergey Bravyi, David Gosset, and Yinchen Liu. How to simulate quantum measurement without computing marginals. arXiv:2112.08499, 2021.
[BR07] Sergey Bravyi and Robert Raussendorf. Measurement-based quantum computation with the toric code states. PRA 76(2):22304, 2007.

Wed 2nd February 2022 at 14.00
Daniel J. Brod (U Federal Fluminense)
(Bipartite) Gaussian boson sampling

Gaussian boson sampling is a model of photonic quantum computing that has attracted attention as a platform for quantum devices capable of performing tasks that are out of reach of their classical counterparts. Most recent photonic quantum computational advantage experiments were performed within this Gaussian variant of bosonsampling, having observed events with over 100 photons and seriously challenged the capabilities of competing classical algorithms. Thus, there is significant interest in solidifying the mathematical and complexity-theoretic foundations for the hardness of simulating these devices. We show that there is no efficient classical algorithm to approximately sample from the output of an ideal Gaussian boson sampling device unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses, under the same two conjectures as the original bosonsampling proposal by Aaronson and Arkhipov.

Crucial to the proof is a new method for programming a Gaussian boson sampling device such that the output probabilities are proportional to permanents of (submatrices of) an arbitrary matrix. This provides considerable flexibility in programming, and likely has applications much beyond those discussed here. We leverage this to make progress towards the goal of proving hardness in the regime where there are fewer than quadratically more modes than photons (i.e., in the high-collision regime). Our reduction suffices to prove that GBS is hard in the constant-collision regime, though we believe some ingredients of it can be used to push this direction further.

Wed 24th November 2021 at 13.30
Jara Juana Bermejo–Vega (U Granada)
Phase space simulation method for quantum computation with magic states on qubits

We propose a method for classical simulation of finite-dimensional quantum systems, based on sampling from a quasiprobability distribution, i.e., a generalized Wigner function. Our construction applies to all finite dimensions, with the most interesting case being that of qubits. For multiple qubits, we find that quantum computation by Clifford gates and Pauli measurements on magic states can be efficiently classically simulated if the quasiprobability distribution of the magic states is non-negative. This provides the so far missing qubit counterpart of the corresponding result [V. Veitch et al., New J. Phys. 14, 113011 (2012)] applying only to odd dimension. Our approach is more general than previous ones based on mixtures of stabilizer states. Namely, all mixtures of stabilizer states can be efficiently simulated, but for any number of qubits there also exist efficiently simulable states outside the stabilizer polytope. Further, our simulation method extends to negative quasiprobability distributions, where it provides amplitude estimation. The simulation cost is then proportional to a robustness measure squared. For all quantum states, this robustness is smaller than or equal to robustness of magic.

Reference: arXiv:1905.05374 [quant-ph]

Wed 3rd November 2021 at 14.00
Marina Maciel Ansanelli (UNESP & Perimeter Institute)
Observational equivalences between causal structures

In the area of Causal Inference, causal structures are represented by Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs), and our goal is to point out DAGs that explain the correlations observed in our data. This explanation is not always unique, as we may have more than one structure compatible with the given distribution. In fact, there are many causal structures that explain exactly the same set of distributions. We can group the structures that give rise to the same correlations in what we call observational equivalence classes.

Based on previous work and original results, we will present this classification of classical causal structures, which is now resolved for the case of two and three observables and partially resolved for four. Furthermore, we will discuss how this classification can help in the search for examples of “Quantum-Classical gaps”, i.e. causal structures that classically do not explain certain distributions, but that explain them when we change the hidden variables (unobservable nodes) from classical random variables to quantum systems. The Bell structure is an example of a DAG that presents a Quantum-Classical gap. Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) have been gaining popularity as contenders for a chance at quantum advantage with noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers. Among them, the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) was proposed in [1] to find the eigenstates and eigenvalues of chemical systems.

Wed 27th October 2021 at 14.00
Mafalda Alves (U Minho)
Ansätze for noisy variational quantum eigensolvers

Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) have been gaining popularity as contenders for a chance at quantum advantage with noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers. Among them, the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) was proposed in [1] to find the eigenstates and eigenvalues of chemical systems.

A key part of this class of quantum algorithms is the ansatz, a parameterized circuit that prepares trial states. This is typically the bottleneck of VQAs – either directly, due to excessive circuit depth, or indirectly, due to induced trainability issues.

I will talk about a few proposals of ansätze for chemistry problems, with a focus on the dynamic ansatz of ADAPT-VQE. This algorithm, proposed in [2] and refined in [3,4], grows the ansatz from scratch using information that is accessible (via measurements) along its execution. Because the resulting wave function is system-tailored, ADAPT-VQE can produce high-accuracy results with shallower circuits than VQE with predetermined ansätze.

[1] arXiv:1304.3061 [quant-ph]
[2] arXiv:1812.11173 [quant-ph]
[3] arXiv:1911.10205 [quant-ph]
[4] arXiv:2109.05340 [quant-ph]

Wed 29th September 2021 at 13.30
Rafael Wagner (INL / U Minho)
Journal club: Noncontextuality inequalities from antidistinguishability

After the impact of the PBR theorem [1] to the field of quantum foundations, a lot of effort was made towards obtaining similar no-go results with fewer assumptions. To do so, researchers have described overlap inequalities that addressed the psi-ontic/psi-epistemic no-go questions and from this research direction, they concluded that there is a relation between psi-epistemic theories and non-contextual models: noncontextuality inequalities can be used as bounds on overlaps of ontological models, that also associate the degree of epistemicity of the model. In other words, every noncontextuality inequality can be understood as an overlap inequality [2].

In this journal club, I will discuss the recent results by Leifer and Duarte [3] where they have looked to another class of overlap inequalities, but that instead of describing the degree of distinguishability between states, in terms of their overlaps, they describe the degree of antidistinguishability. They showed that the inequalities dealing with overlaps of antidistinguishability can be understood as noncontextuality inequalities. After discussing these results, I will try to speculate relations between this framework and the coherence overlap scenarios described by Galvão & Brod from [4].

[1] Matthew F. Pusey, Jonathan Barrett, and Terry Rudolph. "On the reality of the quantum state", Nature Physics 8.6 (2012): 475-478, arXiv:1111.3328 [quant-ph].
[2] Matthew S. Leifer, and Owen JE Maroney. "Maximally epistemic interpretations of the quantum state and contextuality", Physical Review Letters 110.12 (2013): 120401, arXiv:1208.5132 [quant-ph].
[3] Matthew S. Leifer, and Cristhiano Duarte. "Noncontextuality inequalities from antidistinguishability", Physical Review A 101.6 (2020): 062113, arXiv:2001.11485 [quant-ph].
[4] Ernesto F. Galvão, and Daniel J. Brod. "Quantum and classical bounds for two-state overlaps", Physical Review A 101.6 (2020): 062110, arXiv:1902.11039 [quant-ph].

Wed 22nd September 2021 at 14.00
Anita Camillini (INL / U Minho)
Journal club: Efficient Bell-state measurement

The Bell-state measurement (BSM), defined as the projection of two qubits onto maximally entangled Bell states, is an essential feature of a number of quantum communication protocols. A complete BSM is not possible using only linear-optic elements and most schemes achieve a success rate of no more than 50%. In this Journal Club, I will present two protocols able to surpass this limit by adding unentangled single-photon ancillae. Grice [1] shows that the introduction of a pair of ancillary entangled photons improves the success rate to 75%. Ewert and Van Loock [2] surpass this limit and reach a success probability of 25/32. Both [1] and [2] proposed a generalization to reach a success probability arbitrarily close to 100% through the addition of 2N − 2 ancillary photons.

An interesting application of BSM is Browne and Rudolph's Type-II fusion gate, which can be used to connect small cluster state fragments into a large cluster state for measurement-based quantum computing (MBQC). This gate is equivalent to a Bell state measurement (BSM) on a rotated basis. In the last part of this presentation, I will present an adaptation of the two efficient BSM schemes to obtain a Type-II fusion gate with the same enhanced probability [3]. Such a scheme for the construction of a linear optical cluster state is universal for MBQC.

[1] W. P. Grice. "Arbitrarily complete Bell-state measurement using only linear optical elements." Physical Review A 84.4 (2011): 042331.
[2] F. Ewert and P. van Loock. "3/4-efficient bell measurement with passive linear optics andunentangled ancillae." Physical Review Letters, 113 (2014): 140403, arXiv:1403.4841 [quant-ph].
[3] M. Gimeno-Segovia et al. "From three-photon GHZ states to ballistic universal quantum computation." Physical Review Letters 115 (2015): 020502, arXiv:1410.3720 [quant-ph].

Wed 7th July 2021 at 14.00
Filipa Peres (INL / U Porto)
Journal club: On Pauli-based computation

In this journal club, I will discuss the measurement-based model of quantum computation known as Pauli-based computation (PBC) and first introduced in [1]. I will demonstrate that this model is universal and polynomial-time equivalent to the quantum circuit model. Additionally, I will show how this framework can be used to compile (universally general) Clifford+T quantum circuits [1,2] and to perform hybrid quantum-classical computation [1].

[1] S. Bravyi, G. Smith, and J. A. Smolin, Phys. Rev. X 6, 021043 (2016), arXiv:1506.01396 [quant-ph].
[2] M. Yoganathan, R. Jozsa, and S. Strelchuk, Proc. R. Soc. A 475 (2019), arXiv:1806.03200 [quant-ph].

Wed 30th June 2021 at 14.00
Alex Jones (University of Bristol)
Scheme for universal high-dimensional quantum computation with linear optics

Photons are natural carriers of high-dimensional quantum information, and the encoded qudits can benefit from higher quantum information capacity and noise-resilience. However, schemes to generate the resources needed for high-dimensional quantum computing have so far not been demonstrated for linear optics. Here, we show how to generate GHZ states of arbitrary numbers of photons in arbitrary dimensions using destructive interference in linear optical circuits described by Fourier matrices. We combine our results with recent schemes for qudit Bell measurements to show that universal linear optical quantum computing can be performed in arbitrary dimensions.

Wed 23rd June 2021 at 14.00
Ernesto F. Galvão (INL / UFF)
Bounds on overlaps give us coherence, contextuality and nonlocality inequalities

A SWAP test is a quantum circuit that measures the overlaps rρσ = Tr(ρσ) between two states ρ, σ. If we consider a set of n quantum states, different bounds on two-state overlaps result when we consider either i) diagonal, coherence-free states, or ii) general quantum states. The difference between i) and ii) allowed us to propose novel basis-independent coherence witnesses. I will show that the inequalities for overlaps of coherence-free states correspond to noncontextuality and locality inequalities, which suggests a unified framework for resource theories of coherence, contextuality and nonlocality.

This is joint work with Rui Soares Barbosa and Rafael Wagner.

Wed 9th June 2021 at 15.30
Rui Soares Barbosa (INL)
Free transformations in the resource theory of contextuality

The talk will be a short an introduction to the resource theory of contextuality [2,3] in the language of the Abramsky–Brandenburger sheaf-theoretic approach [4], including some results from the recent pre-print [1].

We consider functions that transform empirical models on a scenario S to empirical models on another scenario T, and characterise those that are induced by classical procedures between S and T corresponding to 'free' operations in the (non-adaptive) resource theory of contextuality. We proceed by expressing such functions as empirical models themselves, on a new scenario [S,T] built from S and T. Our characterisation then boils down to the non-contextuality of these models.

We show that the construction [–,–] provides a closed structure in the category of measurement scenarios.

[1] Closing Bell: Boxing black box simulations in the resource theory of contextuality, Barbosa, Karvonen, & Mansfield (2021), arXiv:2104.11241 [quant-ph].
[2] Contextual fraction as a measure of contextuality, Abramsky, Barbosa, & Mansfield, in Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 050504 (2017), arXiv:1705.07918 [quant-ph].
[3] A comonadic view of simulation and quantum resources, Abramsky, Barbosa, Karvonen, & Mansfield, in LiCS 2019, arXiv:1904.10035 [quant-ph].
[4] The sheaf-theoretic structure of non-Locality and contextuality, Abramsky & Brandenburger, New J. Phys. 13, 113036 (2011), arXiv:1102.0264 [quant-ph].

Wed 12th May 2021 at 14.00
Angelos Bampounis (INL / U Minho)
Journal club: Quantum physics needs complex numbers

Complex numbers, namely numbers with a real and imaginary part, were invented to solve equations, such as $x^2 = -1$, which cannot be solved using real numbers. They are extremely useful in physics, especially in the field of electromagnetism where complex numbers, with the use of Euler's formula, can treat electromagnetic waves and their interference in a handy way. Even though complex numbers are a convenient mathematical tool in electromagnetism, we do not have to use them, so they are not an integral part of the theory. On the other hand, quantum theory is the only theory where complex numbers seem to play an essential role: a physical system is associated to a complex Hilbert space and the time evolution of the state describing the system is given by the Schrodinger equation, where the imaginary unit appears.

A question that has led to controversial discussions is whether it exists a real version of quantum theory where the states and observables are represented by real operators and still explain the same quantum phenomena. Previous works have shown that such a real version of quantum mechanics can reproduce the statistics of any multi-partite experiment, as long as the parts share arbitrary real quantum states. In this talk, I will present a recent work by Renou et al. [1] where they showed that complex numbers are necessary for a quantum description of nature by proving that "real" and "complex" quantum physics give different predictions in particular network scenarios involving independent quantum state sources.

[1] Renou et al., Quantum physics needs complex numbers, arXiv:2101.10873 [quant-ph]

Wed 21st April 2021 at 14.00
Rafael Wagner (INL / U Minho)
Noncontextuality as a meaning of classicality in Quantum Darwinism

Quantum Darwinism is a physically appealing description of how quantum systems emerge as objective in our world. This objectivity can be viewed as a notion of agreement between observers about the observables being measured and outcomes each observer acquires, but a notion of agreement and a notion of objectivity may not necessarily be an undebatable notion of classicality [1], even though it fits perfectly with what the founding fathers of quantum theory thought about classical systems (the important historical example here being the Einstein–Bohr debate [2]). In this talk I will discuss how another notion of classicality, generalized noncontextuality, can emerge if a quantum Darwinism process appears [3].

[1] Between classical and quantum, N. P. Landsman (2005), arXiv:quant-ph/0506082.
[2] Agreement between observers: a physical principle?, Patricia Contreras-Tejada et al. (2021), arXiv:2102.08966 [quant-ph].
[3] Noncontextuality as a meaning of classicality in Quantum Darwinism, Roberto D. Baldijão et al. (2021), arXiv:2104.05734 [quant-ph]

Wed 14th April 2021 at 14.00
Ernesto F. Galvão (INL / UFF)
Measuring the projective-unitary invariant properties of a set of states, and applications

The geometrical arrangement of a set of quantum states in projective Hilbert space can be found using relational information only. This information is encoded in the overlaps between pairs of states, as well as in higher-order Bargmann invariants encoding the relative orientation of n>2 states. We describe how to measure these invariants with a generalization of the SWAP test, and how to pool the information to obtain a complete characterization of their projective-unitary invariant properties. As applications, we describe basis-independent tests for linear independence, coherence, and for the presence of complex-valued amplitudes (“imaginarity”). We also describe how higher-order invariants can be used to certify multi-system indistinguishability.

Wed 7th April 2021 at 14.00
Angelos Bampounis (INL / U Minho)
Journal club: Matchgates and classical simulation of quantum circuits

It is believed that quantum computers are more powerful than their classical counterparts. A promising approach to understand their power is to explore restricted classes of computation which can be efficiently simulated by classical devices but become universal by the addition of an extra resource. One of the most prominent examples is stabilizer circuits, the class of circuits built out of Clifford gates, which according to the Gottesmann–Knill theorem can be classically efficiently simulatable.

In this talk, I will present another interesting restricted class of circuits, which can be classically efficiently simulated, made out of a special set of unitary two-qubit gates restricted to act on nearest-neighbour (n.n.) qubits, the so-called matchgates. We will see that family of circuits comprised of these gates can be mapped to a system of non-interacting fermions, a map that is considered as a representation of the Clifford algebra of Majorana spinors, giving rise to an translation between fermions and qubits. In particular we will describe how this: (i) provides a straightforward proof of the classical simulation of these matchgate circuits and (ii) in conjunction with Clifford operations one can produce further classes of classically efficiently simulatable quantum circuits.

[1] R. Jozsa, A. Miyake, "Matchgates and classical simulation of quantum circuits", Proc. R. Soc. A 464, 3089–3106 (2008), arXiv:0804.4050 [quant-ph].
[2] B. M. Terhal, D. P. DiVicenzo, "Classical simulation of noninteracting-fermion quantum circuits", Phys. Rev. A 65, 032325 (2002), arXiv:quant-ph/0108010.

Wed 24th March 2021 at 14.00
Filipa Peres (INL / U Porto)
Journal club: Classical simulation complexity of extended Clifford circuits

Stabilizer circuits have a wide range of applications in the field of quantum computation and information theory; for example, they play a prominent role in the theory of quantum error correction and fault-tolerant computation. These circuits are made up of gates drawn only from the Clifford group and the Gottesman-Knill theorem asserts that, under certain conditions, they are efficiently classically simulable. Furthermore, such circuits have been proved to be L-complete allowing for neither universal quantum computation, nor universal classical computation.

In this journal club, I will discuss how a variety of additional ingredients might change the classical simulation complexity of sixteen cases of extended Clifford computations. In particular, it will be shown how augmenting such circuits by a purely classical ingredient (viz. adaptivity) unlocks universal quantum computation.

[1] R. Jozsa and M. van den Nest, Quantum Information and Computation 14 (2013), arXiv:1305.6190 [quant-ph].

Wed 17th March 2021 at 14.00
Raman Choudhary (IISER Mohali → INL / U Minho)
Journal club: Contextuality and variational quantum eigensolvers

In this talk, I will present how contextuality has recently been linked to Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs). VQAs hold immense importance in near-term quantum simulation. Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) is one such algorithm that is used to find the ground state and ground state energy of a given Hamiltonian. I will describe:
(i) How a Contextuality test for a VQE procedure has been defined
(ii) How VQE procedures which fail this “quantumness” test admit a classical simulation which is NP-complete compared to a general VQE problem which is QMA-hard
(iii) How a general VQE procedure can then be split into a Contextual as well as a Non-contextual part such that the ground-energy predicted by the non-contextual part (via classical simulation) can be corrected for by running a VQE for just the quantum part hence saving up resources compared to the case where VQE is run for the full initial problem.

The talk will be based on:
[1] William M. Kirby and Peter J. Love. “Contextuality test of the nonclassicality of variational quantum eigensolvers.” Physical Review Letters 123, 200501 (2019). arXiv:1904.02260 [quant-ph].
[2] William M. Kirby and Peter J. Love. “Classical simulation of noncontextual Pauli Hamiltonians.” Physical Review A 102, 032418 (2020). arXiv:2002.05693 [quant-ph].
[3] William M. Kirby, Andrew Tranter, and Peter J. Love. “Contextual Subspace Variational Quantum Eigensolver.” arXiv preprint (2020). arXiv:2011.10027 [quant-ph].

Wed 3rd March 2021 at 14.00
Zoltán Zimborás (Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest)
Fermion Sampling: merging the strengths of Boson Sampling and Random Circuit Sampling

In this talk, we present a quantum advantage scheme which is a fermionic analogue of Boson Sampling. This scheme, called Fermion Sampling, uses fermionic linear optical operations together with magic input states. On the one hand side, we provide hardness guarantees for this scheme which is at a comparable level to that of the state-of-the-art hardness guarantees for Random Circuit Sampling, surpassing that of Boson Sampling. On the other hand, we argue that one might perhaps even construct practically useful sampling schemes based on Fermion Sampling similarly to those constructed based Boson Sampling. Finally, we discuss the experimental feasibility of our scheme.

Wed 24th February 2021 at 14.00
André Sequeira (U Minho)
Quantum variational reinforcement learning

Deep Neural Networks are universal function approximators that are central for designing systems that learn from unstructured or even unlabeled data. Variational Quantum Circuits, also known as Quantum Neural Networks, are new models that exploit effects like superposition, entanglement, and interference, and have already shown potential advantages such as speed-ups in training and faster processing for some classification problems. In this talk we show that Variational Quantum Circuits can be used to devise the optimal policy for Reinforcement Learning agents, therefore bringing potential quantum advantages to interactive learning frameworks.

Wed 17th February 2021 at 14.00
Bruno Chagas (ICHEC – Irish Centre for High-End Computing)
Quantum walks, algorithms and implementations

We will outline the main existing models and results of quantum walks in literature, and some of the algorithms based on this technique over graphs. Moreover, we would like to present some simulations and physical realisations of quantum walks, as well as open questions.

Wed 10th February 2021 at 14.00
Rafael Wagner (U São Paulo → INL / U Minho)
Applying contextualities: from foundations to protocols

In this talk I will discuss noncontextuality, mentioning it's different perspectives and possible approaches with a focus on generalized noncontextuality [1]. This is an operational-probabilistic approach to noncontextuality treating not only measurement procedures but also preparations and transformations: the main idea is to introduce this topic and the developments in the direction of using/certifying quantum-over-classical advantages.

[1] Spekkens, R. Physical Review A 71.5 (2005): 052108.

Wed 27th January 2021 at 14.00
Ernesto F. Galvão (INL / UFF)
Journal club: Quantum advantage experiments

In this informal talk I will review some aspects of two quantum advantage experiments that were reported in 2019 and 2020: the Google Quantum AI random circuit experiment using superconducting chips [1] and the Gaussian Boson Sampling experiment by the University of Science and Technology of China group [2].

[1] https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1666-5
[2] https://science.sciencemag.org/content/370/6523/1460

Wed 9th December 2020 at 14.00
Michael Oliveira (U Minho)
From EPR to Bell, with a description on the correlation polytopes

The question of nonlocality is very famous from a paper by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen. They questioned the completeness of quantum mechanics by the fact that it would imply the existence of nonlocal effects. Later, John Bell with his theorem showed that a test to this question could be performed with a physical experiment, and several experiments have indicated that quantum mechanics is correct.

However, the limits of nonlocality were questioned, mainly because quantum mechanics does not expand to the maximum amount of correlation allowed by the theory of general relativity. This question was very debated, resulting in interesting results, for instance, measures of nonlocality in communications problems. Similarly, the amount of correlation present in quantum states serves as a measure of non-classicality in the resources used by Measurement-based Quantum Computing schemes. These measures are of great interest to understand what does give quantum computers their computational advantage.

Wed 2nd December 2020 at 14.00
Pierre-Emmanuel Emeriau (Sorbonne Université)
Witnessing Wigner negativity

Quantum operations represented by a positive Wigner function can be efficiently classically simulated. Thus Wigner negativity is a necessary (though not sufficient) resource for quantum speedup. We wish to derive an experimentally accessible witness for Wigner negativity. More precisely, our goal is to derive a bound Fn such that if the fidelity of our unknown target state with the nth Fock state is greater than Fn then we can certify that the Wigner function associated to the unknown state displays some negativity somewhere. The computation of the bound Fn can be phrased as an infinite-dimensional linear program. We derive a lower bound on Fn by considering a restriction of the problem which yields a hierarchy of finite-dimensional semi-definite programs. We are able to provide an analytical feasible solution for any rank of the hierarchy which ensures a lower bound. The proof makes use of powerful techniques (Zeilberger's algorithm) to prove binomial identities. We believe this bound is tight but deriving a matching upper bound is still an open question. The convergence of the hierarchy to the original infinite linear program is also not proven.

Wed 11th November 2020 at 14.00
Alexandra Alves (U Minho)
Bayesian Hamiltonian learning

I will talk about the Bayesian strategy for parameter estimation, and its application to the characterization of quantum systems. This includes the generic algorithm for parameter estimation using Bayesian inference, as well as improved protocols using Bayesian experimental design. I will also present numerical results for the estimation of a spin precession frequency.

Here are my two main references:
arXiv:1207.1655 [quant-ph]
arXiv:1111.0935 [quant-ph]

Wed 28th October 2020 at 14.00
Joaquín Fernández-Rossier (INL)
Introduction to the physics of superconducting qubits

I will give a tutorial on the basic notions to understand the physical principles that govern superconducting qubits. To do so, I will go first through some of the most fascinating concepts in the theory of superconductivity, such as the breaking of electron number conservation, the concept of superconducting phase and the Josephson effect. I will discuss the transmon qubit, relevant for IBM quantum hardware, and basic notions in circuit quantum electrodynamics, and how these relates to single qubit gates, two qubit gates, and the readout process. The level of the presentation will be kept apt for last year undergraduate students, master students.

Thu 8th October 2020 at 11.15
Jake Bulmer (U Bristol)
Quantum correlated sampling machines with integrated silicon photonics

In Bristol, we are interested in making silicon chips which can prepare and manipulate quantum states of light. I will discuss how we conduct large scale experiments with these chips and focus on some recent results on quantum correlated sampling machines. These devices use entanglement to perfectly control the correlations for high dimensional systems between remote users. This property can be used for efficient verification of quantum advantage experiments and for applications in quantum communication.

Thu 1st October 2020 at 11.15
Bruno Murta (INL & U Minho)
Grover's algorithm and implementation of the Gutzwiller ansatz

In this talk, the Grover algorithm [1] will be introduced, including both a quantum-simulation-motivated derivation [2] and a geometric interpretation of the amplitude amplification [3]. Then, the application of the Grover algorithm to the implementation of the Gutzwiller ansatz [4] on quantum hardware will be discussed.

[1] L. K. Grover, arXiv:quant-ph/9605043
[2] M. A. Nielsen and I. L. Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, CUP
[3] M. C. Gutzwiller, Phys. Rev. Lett. 10, 159 (1963)
[4] M. Boyer et al., arXiv:quant-ph/9605034

Thu 24th September 2020 at 11.15
Michael Oliveira (U Minho)
Quantum Bayesian decision-making

I will present Bayesian networks and their importance for problems involving uncertainty. Subsequently, the problem of modeling decision-making processes in a stochastic environment will be used to demonstrate the transition from a classical scenario to a completely quantum one.

Thu 17th September 2020 at 11.15
Ernesto F. Galvão (INL / UFF) & Quinn Palmer (U Bristol)
Feynman path-integral simulation of circuits and linear optics

Ernesto will introduce the basics of the Feynman path-integral (FPI) approach to simulating quantum circuits. Unlike Schrodinger-type algorithms that store the whole wavefunction, the FPI algorithm is highly parallelizable, and uses only polynomial-sized memory (in the number of qubits), and exponential time. Then Quinn will describe how we adapted the approach to the simulation of linear-optical circuits, implementing it in Python. This is on-going work in collaboration with Raffaele Santagati, Jake Bulmer and Alex Jones.

Thu 10th September 2020 at 11.15
Raffaele Santagati (INL)
Witness assisted variational eigensolver

In this talk I will give a brief introduction to variational quantum eigensolvers and their applications. I will then focus on some specific experimental implementations and present one of the methods that have been proposed to target more efficiently excited states of quantum systems.

Thu 23rd July 2020 at 11.15
Ernesto F. Galvão (INL / UFF)
Quantum teleportation

I will review the original quantum teleportation protocol [1], and discuss some variations on this theme. These include: one-bit teleportation [2], port-based teleportation [3], gate teleportation [4], and postselected teleportation [5].

[1] https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.70.1895
[2] https://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0002039
[3] https://arxiv.org/abs/0807.4568
[4] https://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/9908010
[5] https://arxiv.org/abs/1003.4971

Thu 16th July 2020 at 11.15
Rui Soares Barbosa (QLOC, INL)
An introduction to contextuality and quantum advantage (Part 2)

I'll recap the notion of contextuality presented in Part 1 of this talk two weeks ago. Then, I'll focus on the role of contextuality as a resource, particularly in the context of measurement-based quantum computation, establishing a quantifiable relationship between a measure of contextuality and the amount of quantum advantage.

Thu 9th July 2020 at 11.15
Raffaele Santagati (QLOC, INL)
Quantum Hamiltonian learning: An example of how quantum computers can help us in understanding the physics of quantum systems

In this talk, we will discuss Quantum Hamiltonian Learning, which is a family of protocols exploiting a form of Bayesian Inference which uses a quantum computer to compute the update to our knowledge. We will start by describing the quantum likelihood estimation protocol and conclude by looking at a couple of experimental demonstrations involving the study of the electron spin in the NV centre in diamond.

a couple of references:
[1] N. Wiebe, C. Granade, C. Ferrie, and D. G. Cory, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 190501 (2014).
[2] J. Wang, S. Paesani, R. Santagati, S. Knauer, A. A. Gentile, N. Wiebe, M. Petruzzella, J. L. O’Brien, J. G. Rarity, A. Laing, and M. G. Thompson, Nature Physics 13, 551–555 (2017).
[3] R. Santagati, A. A. Gentile, S. Knauer, S. Schmitt, S. Paesani, C. Granade, N. Wiebe, C. Osterkamp, L. P. McGuinness, J. Wang, M. G. Thompson, J. G. Rarity, F. Jelezko, and A. Laing, Phys. Rev. X 9, 021019 (2019).

Thu 2nd July 2020 at 11.15
Rui Soares Barbosa (QLOC, INL)
An introduction to contextuality and quantum advantage (Part 1)

This will be an introductory talk on contextuality, a distinguishing non-classical feature of quantum systems, and its relationship with quantum advantage in informatic tasks.

Thu 25th June 2020 at 11.15
Ernesto F. Galvão (INL / UFF)
Overlaps and non-classicality

I will talk about recent and on-going research on overlaps and related quantities, and what they tell us about non-classicality.